Derek Morgan

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Dear Derek,

I'm guessing that you're reading this because I'm dead. I'm so sorry to do this to you Derek but everything my mother said is true, I tried to ignore what she's said but it keeps replaying in my mind over and over again. You'd all have been better off not having known me.

I love you so much Derek and it pains me incredibly to do this to you. Especially you, you're my partner and I love you like a brother.

You've been there for me since the day I joined. You supported me when I came out to you, you supported me and Jennifer and I love you for that.

I need you to promise me one thing. Protect Jennifer. I love her with every bit of me, and it's literally killing me to have to do this, but I can't live anymore. It's hurting me to live.

Please protect her, keep her safe for me and let her find someone new. Don't let her think this is her fault. It isn't any of yours.

Thank you for being there for me.

Emily x

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