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3rd POV

All might had just defeated all for one but gained massive wounds.

All might: damnit....this wound is hurting me so much....hopefully it won't affect my powers that much(oh you hope)

As all might walks down the halls he hears crying and goes into the other room to find a child crying.

All might: hey...are you ok?

The boy turns to him and shakes his head

All might: it's ok...what's your name kiddo?

Y/N: Y-Y/N...S-Shigaraki

All might realizes who this kid is and sighs.

All might: do you know about your dad..?

Y/N: y-yeah.....he wants me to hate heroes b-but....I d-don't want to....I w-w-want to be one...

All might kneels in front of him and sighs.

All might: that's good. If anything. You seem like you'd be a GREAT hero!!!!

All might says picking him up and smiling. Y/N laughs a bit.

Y/N: do you really think so?

All might: of course!!!!

Y/N then looks down

Y/N: dad won't like it.....

All might: your dad actually went away for awhile.....I don't know if he'll be back(he really doesn't)  so do you want me to be your dad?

Y/N: yeah!!!

All might: ALL RIGHT KIDDO!!!! From now on your my son!!!!

Y/N: yeah!!!!!

As all might carried Y/N outside he grabbed his side.

All might: tch.....

Y/N: is something wrong...?

All might: no....I'm fine kiddo!!!

Y/N smiles almost as big as all might and all might smiles back.

All might mentally: this kid is gonna be big one day...

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