Patrolling and fighting

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As I eat in the kitchen I grab my head. I've been getting a bad headache for the last few days ever since that damn dream......I don't want anyone worrying.....the last thing I want them to do is worry about me........I look to eri and smile at her.

Y/N: everything ok sweetie?

Eri: yeah!! But are you?

Y/N: what do you mean?

Eri: I had a dream last night that you were getting sad and you eventually destroyed the world....

Y/N: that's.......a very weird a specific dream for you to have.

Eri: I guess so. But are you?

Y/N: I am sweetie!!! I promise.

Eri nods at me.


As I'm practicing with my quirks I turn around and see shoto.

Shoto: are you ok?

Y/N: yes I'm fine why does evryone keep asking that?

Shoto: we can tell.

I sigh.

Y/N: promise you won't tell anyone?

Shoto: yes.

I sigh and look at her. I then tel her all about my dream with all for one and about how his quirks may affect me. Shoto nods.

Shoto: I'm sorry to hear need to tell all might-

Y/N: no. It's ok I swear I don't need to tel him that I might turn into the next all for one.

I look at my watch and sigh.

Y/N: I have to go to my agency for a bit. Cya sho-

She grabs my hand.

Shoto: Y/N ple-

Y/N: let go or else.

Shoto slightly shocked let's go and I warp gate to night eye agency. I walk into the locker room and change into my hero clothes. As I do Mirio walks in.

Mirio: hey Y/N!!! What's up?

Y/N: nothing much. I'm going out for a patroll real quick. How about you?

Mirio: oh I'm actually going to be showing Izuku around!!!

Y/N: so hes jointing this agency huh?

Mirio: yeah!!! Wanna come?

Y/N: nah. I need some alone time.

Mirio: everything ok?

Y/N: yeah I'm fine. Later.

I warp gate outside the agency and begin to walk down the streets. As I do I think to myself about my dream. Could I really become the next all for one?

Of course you could. Your the son of the greatest evil known to this world. It's in your blood.....

Yeah but.........what if I don't want too?

Then why don't you let ME take the wheel for a bit?

I'm not so-wait a sec who are you!?!?

Y/N: god damnit I need to get more sleep.......

I continue walking down the streets until a giant explosion is made. A few people start to run away and I walk towards the explosion. A man was standing there laughing.


Y/N: wait have telekinesis then?

???: who are you!?!?

Y/N: a hero.

???: oh. And no!!! I can only lift boulders and chunks of the earth.

Y/N: so you can only lift that stuff? Yeesh what a lousy quirk......

???: oh yeah??? And what's yours?

I smirk and turn to him smiling while my eyes are shining red. 

Y/N: I can copy or steal quirks.......

I rush at him and grab his head and steal his quirk.

???: W-WHAT THE!?!( M-MY-

I punch him a cross the face and he gets knocked out. I chuckle to myself and lift him up.

Y/N: try again in your next life....

I open my hand and a blue energy ball began to form. I raise it to his head when I hear someone yell my name. I stop and turn to see Mirio and Izuku. I blink and suddenly let go of the man.

Y/N: what the hell was I going to-never mind......

I walk up to the two and thank them for snapping me out of that.

Izuku: are you ok Y-


I put my hand over my mouth and quickly apologize to them.

Y/N: I'm just really tired.....

Mirio: maybe you should head home for the day....

I nod and warp gate to the apartment and collapse onto my bed. As I close my eyes I drift off to sleep.


I yawn and open my eyes. I sit up and rub my eyes. It's night time. I hear the sound of cooking in the kitchen and I walk inside the kitchen and see the league of villains sitting at my table. I sit down and wait. Everyone's starring at me and then all for one sets down plates. All of us open them and there on each of our plates was a head of all might. They all turn to me with emotionless faces.

All for one: go it.

I pick up my fork and I pick at it. I raise it to my mouth and-


My eyes open and I'm.........wai. Where the hell am I!?!? I stand up and look around. I'm in a field. Weird. I sigh and yawn before warp gatting back home.

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