The last chapter

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All might POV

I place Y/N's hat inside the coffin. Since his body was completely destroyed we just put objects that he loved. We close the coffin and it begins to slowly go into the ground. Everyone is crying while I just stand there. He was like a son to me. At least he'll finally meet his mother......

Priest: now speak a few words is all might.

I walk up to the podium and sigh.

All might: honestly.....I'm not going to say to forget about him to feel better. Cry your tears out. But once your done....remember all the good memories that you had of him......he was a good person.....despite his father being All for One.....but that only made himself thrive to be a better person.....which is why....I'm happy-no.....proud. To call him my son.....he was my closest friend......he was good...

Izuku: he was a good friend.....

Shoto: a good boyfriend....

Momo: a person who made me feel loved....

Mina: a person who didn't make me feel like a freak...

Jirou: a person who liked me for me.....

Mei: a person who didn't think I was weird.....

Katsuki: a damn good fighter.....

Endevour: a truly worthy man to be named the number one hero.....

Eri: a good daddy.....and a person who made me smile......

All might: which is why.....despite him being dead....from this moment forward......Y/N now the Number one hero.....and the symbol of peace.....

I walk over to a large tarp and pull it off to reveal a statue of him with a lazy smile. His statue was next to mine. Everyone began to cry even harder then they already were while me? I just shed a single tear. On the plate below it said "Y/N yagi. Symbol of Peace and son of the greatest evil known to this world"


I open the door to my apartment. I was holding Eris hand. We look around the room and it's just dead silent. I sigh. I walk over to the fridge and open it to find ramen with a note on it saying "Y/N's. Don't touch" I laugh a bit before taking two out. I make them and set one down for eri. We both began to eat in silence.

Eri: um.....toshinori?

All might: what's up kiddo?

Eri: Why did you not cry much?

All might:.......I wanted to show people that ow as strong......that everything would be ok....

Eri: but are you ok?

3rd POV

Tears began to stream down all might face as he breaks down crying.

All might: n-n-no-*hic* I-I-I'm *hic* n-not.....

Eri runs over to him and hugs him and she begins to cry herself. Both just sit there crying together. As all might looks up he sees Y/N standing there with a smile.

Y/N: I'm fine......thank you.....for all those memories....

All might rubs his eyes and when he opens them. He's gone. He smiles and keeps crying before stopping.

All might: want to go get some ice cream?

Eri nods still crying while smiling. Both leave the apartment and as all might looks up to the cloud he sees Nanna and Y/N standing there with smiles on there faces.

All might mentally: son........

That was the last chapter. I feel like I could have made the last chapter better so I just decided to do a quick funeral. I hope you all enjoyed this!!!!

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