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3rd POV

As everyone is blown back everyone sees who it is.

Y/N: yeesh. And here I thought y'all would be pretty fun to fight.

Deku: Y/N!?!?

Y/N: suuuuuup.

Mina: your the one we're fighting!?!

Y/N: mhm. The teachers thought it would be a good fun challenge for all of you. Little did they know.

He lets out a giant shockwave blowing almost everyone back a bit. He looks at them with a smile.

Y/N: they weren't expecting me to not hold back anything

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Y/N: they weren't expecting me to not hold back anything.

Shoto: it doesn't matter. We can still beat you.

Y/N: what like your dad did to your mother?

Shoto: DICK!!!!

She shot fire and ice but saw that he was walking towards her with a sadistic smile on his face while covered in flames and ice.

Y/N: sorry bout that shoto but The teachers introduced me to a hero that could cancel out emotions. I cancelled out both guilt and sympathy so I don't hold anything back.

Ida: your really not pulling your punches are you?

Y/N: nope. Anyway.

He brings Ida to him and start swinging him around hitting everyone. Froppy wrapped her younger around Y/N and throws him far but he warp gates back to her and then punches her far. He then gets hit by a giant sound wave. He plugs his ears before turning to her. He sees the giant speakers.

Y/N mentally: momo probably made those. Doesn't matter.

Y/N: those are some pretty loud sounds Jirou!!! But I can do one BEEEEEEEEETTTTEEEERRRRRR

The speakers blow up and Jirou is blown back. He then feels a fist punch him. He looks around and doesn't see anybody.

Y/N: Toru......

He holds up his hands and they glow blue and he starts to swing it around starting to make a sand storm. He then shoved his hands forward straight into a building and a man made hole breaks through the wall. Before Y/N can do anything Deku punches hik across the jaw and Bakugo hits him in the back.

Y/N: not bad....tag team is a good idea....

Everyone then surrounds him.

Y/N: well........this just got good.

Sero: even if you have more quirks then us we still have you outnumbered.

Y/N sighed but his breathe was odd.

Y/N sighed but his breathe was odd

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