So it begins.....

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Let it out...........


Come on.......

I mean it.....

You know what you have to do then?

I sigh.

Y/N: I.......I don't want to.....

Then let me take the reins for a bit......


Just give into it......

I sigh and I sit up from my bed. I sit there before standing up and walk over to my closet and put on my hero clothes. I warp gate over to Tartarus. I begin to walk in and someone called out to me.

???: HEY!!! What are you-

I snap my fingers and suddenly there guns are sent flying. I continue to walk in. I walk up to the door and phase through it. I keep waking down the hall when multiple soldiers appear and pull out guns.


I keep walking foward and they open fire. A energy shield surrounds me and as I walk towards them they all are slammed to the ground with my telekinesis. I keep walking down the hallway until I reach a door. I grab the handles and tear them off. I walk in and look inside the glass.

All for one: oh? And what has brought you here on this fine night?

I stare at him. I put my hand to the glass and it shatters. All for one laughs a bit. I put my hand on his head.

All for one: tell much longer are you going to resist?

I'm silent. He chuckles before smiling.

All for one: give them to me.......

3rd POV

A bright light shines from Y/N's hands as all for one laughs. Multiple guns began to fire but they all explode. As for the bullets there stopped. The light stops before all for one stands up tearing off the stray jacket.

All for one: excellent work my then......

Meanwhile back in the city Toshinora was walking around the city.

Toshinora: where is he.........

Suddenly a giant black warp gate appeared over the city. All might looked up in fear.

All might: t-there's no way.......

Suddenly the entire Tartarus compound came falling out of it and landed on the city destroying multiple buildings. It didn't hit the ground but it was still ontop of a few buildings ready to fall. There standing at the top surrounded by flames were two figures.

 There standing at the top surrounded by flames were two figures

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