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I stand there frozen. I can't move. He start to walk towards me.

All for one: it's been so long since I've seen don't know how much it means to see you so powerful....with so many quirks-

All might attacks all for one and sends out a giant shockwave everywhere pushing me back. As I stand I hear my name being called and turn around to see


Shoto: we came to rescue you!!!

Bakugo: you damn bastard!!!! Letting yourself get-

We all get blown back again and we all turn to see all for one standing in front of all might who look worn out. Both start to attack each other and I turn around to my friends.

Y/N: get out of here now!!!! That man down there is far stronger then you could ever imagine!!!

Shoto: we know!!! We all saw hallucinations of our deaths!!!!

Y/N: I need you guys to go now. Please....

Izuku: not without you!!!

I chuckle sadly before smiling at them.

Y/N: thanks Izuku but.....

I snap my fingers and a warp gate opens under them and they all fall in

All: Y/N!!!!!

The gate closes and I stand there starring at the ground. I begin to walk over to the fight which is causing a lot of earthquakes and shockwaves. I absorb most of them while walking towards them. Both turn to me. One with a scared look the other with a smile.

All for one: good to see your fine. Now then. How can we help you?

 How can we help you?

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All might: Y/N.....leave......please...


All for one just chuckles before holding out his arms and he starts to float. I follow and we both float up until we're high enough.

All for one: tell me......has all might ever told you the real reason why he took you in...?

Y/N: what?

All might try's to jump to us but he's out of power.

All for one: do you want me to tell him or should I?

All might: DONT YOU DARE!!!!

All for one: me it is then. You see Y/N....all might took you in for one reason. Not because you were a helpless child.....but because he knew you were my son.....

Y/N: what do you mean?

All for one: he knew about how much potential you had. The amount of power you could possess. He feared you would one day become so powerful you'd be able to kill him once and for all....

The son of the greatest evil known to this worldWhere stories live. Discover now