Unforseen events

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I sigh. I look up. Nighteye agency. Sir nighteye used to be all might former sidekick before they got into an argument and separated. This was after all might found me. From what I remember he really did care about all might. I walk inside and check in. As I walk up the stairs and open the door I find an unusual sight

 As I walk up the stairs and open the door I find an unusual sight

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Y/N: should I call the FBI or-

Nighteye looks at me and turns off the machine

Nighteye: no.....she just did something wrong and this is punishment. You must be Y/N right?

Y/N: in the flesh. How ya been sir?

Nighteye: I've been fine. I hear you want to try and apply for my agency for internships. Why?

Y/N: I noticed that you were one of them names on one of the agency's who wanted me to work for them. Since you and all might knew each other I thought it would be best to work with someone I somewhat know.

Nighteye: yes....hard to believe your that same scared child from all those years ago.

I chuckle

Y/N: well I have been getting stronger.

He walks towards me to shake my hand but I put them in my pockets.

Y/N: don't think I've forgotten about your quirk....

Nighteye: just as attentive as always.

I shake his hand and I quickly copy his quirk and he stares me directly in the eyes. I stare at him as well. I then quickly said

Y/N: your next line is-

Both: you copied my quirk in case I decided to use my own didn't you?

Nighteyes surprised but sighs

Nighteye: all right. Let me just review a few things before I stamp your papers

As I wait I look around the room and notice the amount of all might posters. If I didn't know any better I'd say he's a fan boy......even though he kinda is. He then sighs

Nighteye: ok.

He raises his stamp and slams it on the table. I sigh.

Y/N: what is it?

Nighteye: you copied my quirk right? So you already know the answer to that

Y/N: I'm just hoping I didn't have to do this.....

Nighteye stands up

Nighteye: come. Prove yourself.

I smirk

Y/N: all right.....LETS GO!!!!

I launch at him with Gran Torino's quirk and he dodges but I quickly go for his legs and he dodges. I land on my feet and chuckle

Y/N: I see you removed your quirks fatal weakness. You made sure you were fast enough to dodge any attack right?

Nighteye nods and I fly at him and use my telekinesis to hold him in place but as I reach for the stamp he suddenly knees me in the gut. I step back and he's released.

Y/N: how strong are you exactly?

Nighteye: I'm carrying about 4 stamps on my body

Y/N: ok......

Nighteye: each weighs about 5KG

Y/N: oh.......shit.

I fly at him and continue to swipe. Even with his quirk I cant grab the stamp. If only he would hold still for a couple-.....I'm so dumb.


Time stops and I quickly use my telekinesis to bring the stamp to me. As soon as it drops in my hand I have to hold up my arm in order to hold it. Shit. If he carries four of these I don't even wanna know how fast he is without them.

Y/N: t-time end....

Time resumes and nighteye is suprised to see the stamp is gone and turns around to see me struggling to hold the stamp and I eventually drop it to the floor. Wait. I COULD HAVE JUST USED MY STRENGTH ENHANCER DAMNIT!!!!!!

Nighteye: good job. Your in. You'll be working with another person by the name of Mirio. I'll call him in. While we wait tell me about each quirk.

Y/N: so you know about my quirk?

Nighteye nods

Y/N: well. So far al I have is flames, got that from endeavor, Gran Torino's quirk as you saw, warp gate, got that from a villain, strength enhancer, telekinesis, time stop; 5 seconds about my limit, zero gravity, light weight, healing, I can heal others but I drain stamina, floating, your quirk foresight, regeneration, got that from something called a nomu, shock absorption and shockwaves.

Nighteye: it seems as though your power is quite special......

Y/N: yeah. All might calls it All For One.....though. I prefer mimic. It helps keep those thoughts out....

Nighteye: about your father?

I nod and the door opens and in comes someone who I assume is all mights secret love child.

???: hey there!!! I'm Mirio!!! You must be Y/N!! It's nice to meet you!!!

Y/N: same.

As we shake hands I copy his quirk and suddenly my clothes fall off

Y/N: time stop.

I quickly put on my clothes and time resumes and he's suprised

Mirio: what just-

Nighteye: Y/N here has the ability to copy as many quirks as he likes. He can also give quirks. But he can't take them back. So what you just saw was him copying your quirk premonition.

Mirio smiles

Mirio: that's a cool quirk man!!!! Anyway. Are your ready to go payroll?

I nod


We're walking down the street and I'm talking to Mirio. He seems very familiar but I don't really mind.

Mirio: so just by you touching them you can copy there quirk?

Y/N: yep. I usually wait before I copy it to make sure it's actually good. When it's a quirk that wasn't what I thought it was I usually give it to something that won't CUASE trouble. Like a fish.

Mirio: really? What quirk was it last time you did that?

Y/N: it was the ability to magnetize

Mirio: that doesn't sound to bad

Y/N: it could only magnetize stuffed animals. When I gave it to a fish though there was a news report about hindered of teddy bears found in a lake.

Mirio laugh and I just smile.

Mirio: by the way. What's your hero name? We can't exactly call ourselves by our real names out into he streets. Mine le million!! Because I'm ant to save one million people!!! You can't save them all so I want to at least try and save a million!!!

Y/N: that's cool. Mines not really that special but it's a name I want to go from feared to give hope. All For One. Even though the name bothers me I want it to become a name that when people hear it they'll be filled with hope and happiness and not fear.

Mirio: that's awesome man!!!!

I smile and we continue our patrol.

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