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A few days later

It had been a couple of days since the whole Suma thing and things were slowly getting back to normal. Kageyama still didn't remember anyone cause the antidote took about two weeks to make but he was slowly coming back.

Takashi being the smartest and Hiro being the most exposed to the antidote worked on making it for Kageyama. It also ment they got to spend some quality time together which was good for them. Kageyama was still currently hospitalized still healing from the wound. He did survive but it was close, He should recover in about 6 months. Suma had just missed his brain but it was still pretty bad so be would take some time to recover.

Everything was becoming normal at last. Oh and if your wondering where the coaches were threw all of this here's your answer.

(Meanwhile with a the coaches)

They couldn't fit everyone in their vans so they decided to take the coaches and hide them in a near by cave. When the coaches woke up they simply wandered threw the woods before arriving at the school.

They thought their students had gone out to town and didn't bother trying to find them. Then when they didn't come back they filed a police report.

After that they called the parents and waited.

Back with everyone in the present time

Hiro and Takashi had completed the antidote and gave it to Kageyama. He immediately got all his memories back but decided to pull a little prank on his friends and pretend it didn't work.

Kageyamas pov

"Well tobio chan? Do you remember?" Oikawa San asked me from the side of the hospital bed. I looked at him with my confused face and pretended it made things worse. "I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked him and everyone looked shocked. Hiro went back over his calculations with takashi looking over them with him "Takashi what happened?!" Mitsuke asked worried "we're trying to figure that out. It should have worked!" Takashi said frantically

Everyone looked at me worried but I was enjoying myself "ok but for real who are you people and why am I in the hospital" I said still messing with them. Oikawa started bursting into tears and iwaizumi was holding him close sugawara was trying to explain everything along with everyone else. I decided to stop the joke here "oh ya now I remember" in say and everyone sighs in relief. But for real I don't really remember anything after Suma gave me the serum.....
By the time I was about to ask oikawa and iwaizumi what had happened they had already enveloped me in a hug along with mitsuke, miwa, Takashi, kindaichi and kunimi. I was being suffocated under all the bodies but I still managed to hug all of them back.

Soon our mother and father came into the room and joined in the hug. They had already payed the hospital bills and were going to take me home the next day. Everyone had given me get well soon presents and hugs and some even stayed back a bit to talk with me and keep me company.

Soon everyone had left except my family and iwaizumi and oikawa. And right before they left both of then gave me a kiss on the cheek that made me blush alot. Dad looked kinda over protective there for a second, But let it go since we have been dating for almost a year now. He can't be getting over protective now.

Next day

The next day came pretty quickly, and I was so excited to be going home! I had to go in a wheel chair cause I was still healing but it wouldn't be permeant. As we left the hospital we said thank you and goodbye to the doctors and nurses and I left a small gift for them as well.

We got into the car and drove home, I got to get to know Takashi and mitsuke more and that was great. We talked about volleyball and science which I didn't really understand that much. Mitsuke and miwa styled my hair when we got home and we all talked and played family game night, my favorite game was the volleyball trivia questions.

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