sumas true smile ☺

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No one's pov

"Good morning tobio~" Sumas voice rang throughout the cell, he slowly walked up to tobio and kneeled down infront of him "you know your cute when your chained up and helpless" suma said with a flirtatious tone lacing his voice, he then held tobios chin firmly in his hand and brought their lips together in a one sided kiss. Tobio tried fighting against the kiss but suma put so much pressure on his lips that he had no choice but to kiss back, "good boy" suma said breaking the kiss. "What do you want suma! You know I'm not getting back together with you!" kageyama said angrily "Tobio tobio tobio you say that as if you have a choice!" Suma said chucking a bit "your mine wether you want to be or not!" he said with his real smile.....the one of a maniac.

Suma walked back to the door and opened it, he then pulled in a trolly that had a glass and some sort of liquid on it. He poured the liquid into the glass and walked over to tobio

"drink this" he said plainly

"no way! That's probably another one of your crazy potions you Severus Snape wanna be!" kageyama said turning his head away from the glass

"you either drink this or you friends siblings and boyfriends all suffer!" Suma said staring kageyama dead in the eye with a look of pure terrifying honesty

"there is no way you kidnapped all of them!" kageyama said in disbelief

"oh but my sweet tobio there very much is a way" suma said and pulled out his phone opening his security cams to show tobio everyone in the cells. Tobio stared at the phone with fear as his face paled

"you either drink this or they die, it's your choice" suma said so kageyama gave in

"ok I'll drink it but you have to let them go right after!" kageyama said and he nodded

"deal" he said and gave kageyama the drink who reluctantly drank it.

With everyone else

After suma left everyone heard a bang on a cell at the end on the hall that looked a lot more updated

"if someone is there make that sound again!" sugawara screamed and then they heard the sound again,

suddenly mitsuke stood up and started banging on the cell bars to a certain rhythm and got a similar one back "TAKA CHAN MIWA NII-SAN IS THAT YOU!" she screamed and heard another bang in a different rhythm, mitsuke smiles when she heard it.

"I KNEW YOU WERE ALIVE!" she said happily, and everyone looked puzzled and surprised at this but before they could ask what was going on the door opened again and they saw something that they thought they would never see

There kageyama was being held bridle style by Mr. Emo haired bitch!

"Kageyama are you ok!" akaashi asked the young setter

"why wouldn't I be?" kageyama replied with and cuddled more into suma

"I told you that he would be mine" suma said and let kageyama down who quickly clung to his arm.

"Babe can we leave this place is creepy" kageyama and suma nodded yes before walking out with kageyama on his arm leaving Everyone especially oikawa and iwaizumi in tears.

"no" oikawa kept saying over and over again while crying into iwaizumis arms.

Everyone was crying but not as much as oikawa and iwaizumi were, they were full out balling their eyes out. Kindaichi and kunimi were trying to comfort a cry mitsuke while karasuno, fukorodani, aoba johsai, shiratorizawa and nekoma watches with tears in their eyes

"I'm gonna kill him!" kindaichi said with a look of death in his eyes and everyone agreed with his statement. Suddenly suga had an idea!

"Omg guys why don't we try picking the locks! These are pretty old cells so the locks should be easy to pick!"

he said and everyone agreed to give it a try

"does anyone know how to pick a lock?" daichi asked, yachi raised her hand. My mom and I went to an escape ed course they basically teach you how to escape any kind of room or cell" she said, She just pulled out a hair pin and began picking the lock, it took a few tries but eventually she got it and the cell opened. "YES it worked!" yachi said happily before running across the hall and picking the others cell lock.

As soon As everyone was free mitsuke ran down the hall to where the noise was coming from, everyone also ran after her stopping at a Large cell with steal doors that seemed impenetrable.

"How are we gonna get threw that!" mitsuke said and oikawa smirked a bit when he saw a small volleybal cart at the very end of the hall that looked like it had been unused for years. "Hey ushiwaka chan" oikawa said "wanna spike some volleyballs" he said pointing to the cart and ushijima also smirked getting what he was saying "yes" he said and ran to the cart bringing it back.

"You really think spiking it will break it?" semi said unimpressed "its worth a try" ushjima said and got ready to spike the ball that oikawa was gonna set. BAM! Was the sound the ball made as it bounced off the steal wall and back to the ground, oikawa set another ball which ushijima spiked with he same amount of power. They did this continuously for about 15 minutes before you could see a Large dent in the steal the size of a volleyball.

After ushijima got a bit tired oikawa hit monster serves at it but the dent didn't become significantly bigger, he kept hitting until he to was beat.

Ushijima and oikawa had to sit down while asahi was next to hit powerful spikes to the wall while suga set to him. This want on for about an hour with setters and spikers switching and occasionally some powerful serves until they saw a bit of light shine through the steal and saw that they had made a hole in it! Tho it was very small it was a start and the continued hitting the steal in the same place before getting a much larger whole which everyone tried prying open.

Eventually after about 2 hours of struggle they managed to open it enough that both takashi and miwa could fit threw the hole.

As soon as they came out mitsuke ran into miwas arms and takashi pilled on top of her, "mitsuke! Oh thank God your ok!" miwa said crying now while she hugged her siblings "Wait where's tobio?!" miwa asked worried and then she saw the expressions on everyone's face that told her suma had gotten him.

"Nonono" miwa said while crying "don't worry miwa San we'll get him back!" kindaichi reassured her "h-how will we do that?!" miwa said through tears "we don't know yet but we'll figure something out!" mitsuke said with determination and fire in her eyes like she was ready to kill.

"Hey suke" a small quite shrill voice rang out and everyone turned to the small boy in the room takashi, "I have an idea" he said.

A/N yes I am gonna leave it there now suffer from the cliffhanger ☺ (yes I am a psychopath) ☺☺☺

Bye have a wonderful day!

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