filling in the boyfriends

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Kageyama was a very sweet happy kid

That is until he met Kamaki suma

Suma was a sadist and a yandere you could say, he was also rich so if he got in jail he would be bailed out in no time.

And his prize was none other than our kageyama tobio, he wanted him no matter what. he didn't want him to be happy with any one else but him, but he knew that kageyama never focused on love his main focus was volleyball so suma joined the volleyball team to get close to kageyama, he wasn't very good so he was always in the bench but he was ok with that, after all he never cared for volleyball only the sweet blue eyed boy that played it.

After weeks of not being able to be alone with kageyama he became very frustrated, what was he missing? What was the block between them. Then it hit him, he noticed he could never be alone with him cause when he wasn't with the volleyball team or in class he was with his friends kunimi and kindaichi. They were the block.

He had to get rid of them

He knew in order to get them away from kageyama, kageyama would have to push them away himself.

So he made a potion like serum that could make people do whatever you wanted(this is fictional ans if I wanna sprinkle Harry potter shut I'm gonna)
them to do and put it in kageyamas food.

After kageyama had the food with the serum he always listened to suma doing whatever he said including pushing everyone but him away. It was sadistic since Kageyama could cinciously see hear and know what he was doing but never be able to stop it.

Soon suma got kageyama to start dating him and they seemed like such a happy couple, kamaki was a kind person to Kageyama just controlling in every way, from his diet, to his studies even his practice times were cut short

Things were perfect for kamaki. Untill they werent.

No one knew about this but one day the serum wore off....

Kageyama had known what had happened and broke up with suma immediately, he completely distanced himself from kamaki,he never wanted to be in the same room as him anymore and Wouldn't eat anything he gave him, so suma found a different way to make him listen.

Kageyama only lived with his sister since his parents died at a young age so suma kidnapped his sister his only family left, and forced him to do what he said or else he would kill his sister.

So kageyama did what he said even tho his sister said to forget her and go live his own life kageyama wasn't going to leave his sister, never, she was all he had left. his grandpa his parents everyone was fine he wouldn't let Suna kill her.

but one day kageyama was told to break off his relationship with kunimi and kindaichi, of course Kageyama didn't want to do this and protested against it but suma wasn't having it he began torturing kageyamas sister to the point she was on the brink of death, that's when kageyama agreed.

He started just with his best friends, but soon rumors sprinkled around and he became the king of the court. Mixed with grife and anger towards kamaki he took out his emotions on his teammates.

Suma promised he would always keep kageyama close and never leave him but that wasn't what kageyama wanted, he wanted to never see sumas face again so he called the cops and told them everything that had happened, he had never done this because he was worried he'd have no proof or that sums would hurt his sister before trials. But luckily none of that happened, so after a long trial suma was sentenced to a stleast two years in prison (his family paid to have him released earlier plus all evidence of previous crimes were never found so he was only charged with kidnapping and torture)

Kageyama got his sister back and she was rushed to the hospital for treatment

A few days later kageyama was adopted and he told his new brothers kunimi and kindaichi everything that had happened. Hoping now things would be normal and he could go back to his life that way he wanted.

Then a few months later someone killed kageyamas sister.....

And kageyama knew that suma sent someone to do it, he cried for days, wouldn't leave his room and refused to see anyone. after that kageyama had panic attacks everyday about suma coming back and killing his new family and friends.

But after a while it stopped, kageyama accepted that his sister was dead and he told himself he would never see suma again. That was it.

That is the end of the flashback part

Oikawas pov

After they finished talking all I wanted to do was kill this "suma" what kind of name even is that! but I don't want to go to jail.

"The only reason Kageyama would have panic attacks again was if suma was back" kunimi says then iwa Chan snaps his fingers

"When sugawara called me he said that karasuno got a new player, what if that new player was suma!" he said and fear found its way in all of our faces m at the idea

"but he isn't supposed to be let out for a few months" kindaichi points out "but you said his family was rich, what if his family paid more to have him released even earlier." I say and Then we heard a loud scream come from Tobios room.

At the sound We all run upstairs to see what happened and see tobio having another panic attack, I went to calm him down Then kunimi told kindaichi to go get tobio some water.

After about ten minutes tobio had calmed down and was cuddled between me and iwa Chan, "are you ok babe?" iwa Chan asked quietly as he softly squeezed tobios shoulder for comfort, tobio was silent for a minute before stuttering out "h-hes". we all froze the only person who came to our mind was that suma kid, but to make sure kunimi asked again


A/N I know A lot of people we're mad at me for leaving y'all on a cliffhanger so I worked as fast as possible and here you go a new chapter 😊😊 hope y'all like it and it makes up for my horrible cliffhanger

Bye have a wonderful day

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