revenge atlast

813 27 25

A dark figure walked into sumas cell late at night, the person had three guards with them.

He had unlocked the door and walked up to sumas cell...

"Ah tobio kun long time no see! Have you finally come to visit your boyfriend" Suma said chuckling

"Shut up you price of shit, you can hurt me all you want but don't even go for my family again!" Tobio said angrily

"What are you talking about? Is his because if the whole shooting thing? Well if it makes you feel better it hit my brother not yours" Suma said wickedly

"That's not he point you basterd! Hiro is my family so you hurt him and your hurting my family" tobio said then held up a gun aiming right for sumas head

"Oh tobio you wouldn't after all don't you want to see me die in front of everyone" Suma said staring right at the gun

"Oh don't worry I brought hem to so they can watch!" Tobio said and then miwa, mitsuke, Takashi, oikawa and iwaizumi.

"Onii- chan can I shoot him to!" Takashi asked, tobio nodded and handed him a gun

"Stand still kay "babe" " tobio said not tying to hide the sarcasm in his voice as he said babe.

On the count of three both boys shot Suma straight in the head.

Sumas unconscious body lay bloody on the floor and then he family left while the guard cleaned up the body.

After that the family lived in peace, iwaoikage adopted a little girl named miako and a little boy named Cole from amarica.

Kunimi started dating a girl named Anika and kindaichi started dating a non binary person named Joey who was from Canada. Joey and kindaichi had a son named Ryan and kunimi and Anika had a daughter named yuki.

Taishi found love in the girl that used to hang out with his bullies named Tamika and they started dating, mitsuke fell in love with oikawas nephew takeru and they started dating even though it was weird since mitsuke's brother was dating his uncle. Hiro eventually woke up and him and Takashi started dating as well, much to the families liking since they had been trying to get them together for ages.

Miwa and Alisa got married and adopted a cis gendered girl named Amilia and of course they taught her how to be a lady like Alisa and a bad bitch like miwa, so she basically is a girly girl model that kicks ass in a dress.

Cole is a normal cis gendered male but cross dresses from time to time, miako who is his older cis gendered sister is a tom boy who loves dressing up her brother and also she is asexual and aromatic which her family is fine with, yuki is a normal straight cis gender girl but is a huge supporter and runs the LGBTQ+ support foundation at her school, Ryan is a cis gendered male but is pansexual.

They all are happy with their new families and Mr. And Mrs. Kindaichi are tired ass parents who raised seven kids and adopted a whole family full of kids. They are now retired and taishi lives with kindaichi, while Takashi and mitsuke live with miwa but they all live In the same naigberhood so it's fine.

Suma is dead and buried at the serial killers cemetery where he never gets flowers or visitors.

And they all lived happily ever after.

Also Imma wrote a chapter where y'all can kill Suma so the first four people to comment here with the name they want to be called in the chapter and their weapon of choice gets to be in it
✨ Peace ✌✨

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