let's play a game...

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Sumas pov

We finally had a break day from volleyball, I can't believe these people! How can they be ok with just playing volleyball for a week straight?!

But that's not really what matters right now, what matters is that I need to get my plan to get tobio back started soon. When I heard that we were going to be coming to this camp I knew it was the perfect time to strike since I clearly can't get tobio alone and the less people I have to kidnap the better. At the moment I'm outside sitting under a tree in the shade to relax and think about my plan while everyone else is playing a stupid party game or just doing their own thing, I don't care either way cause it doesn't really matter.

I decided to go inside and take a nap so I got up and started walking into the gym since I was sitting out back, but when I entered I didn't't see what I expected.

I really didn't expect for that little brat to be here! See I years ago I ordered my goons to kill mrs and Mr. Kageyama cause I knew they wouldn't like me and I didn't want anything to stand in between me and my tobio but it turns out that they were having kids so I ordered them to kill his parents after his mom gave birth, but I made a promise that I would never kill a baby unless it was some sort of demon and I knew tobio wouldn't be able to take care of them cause if he did then he wouldn't spend as much time with me so I kidnapped them.

The bad thing is recently one of the brats escaped with the help of tobio older sister who I made people believe was dead, the good thing is she never saw my face so she doesn't know who I am since I never went to the place we held them, I had some servants looking after them. I decided to just go another way just to be safe and went a different way to get back to the karasuno sleeping area and made a call to my men cause now that that brats here I can get everyone with one hit.

*****: hello boss

Suma: hey listen operation queen retrieval is a go

*****: alright when should we launch it?

Suma: tonight at precisely 2am by then everyone should be in bed and fast asleep to notice anything

*****: got it

Suma: alright bye and don't mess this up!

*****: of course boss I'll do my best goodbye

End of call

I cut the call and went to take a quick shower before dinner at 6pm cause it was currently 5:30pm.

Miwas pov

I don't even know how long it's been since mitsuke escaped I hope she's ok tho cause she is our only hope for freedom.

After she left me and takashi were thrown into a different cell that looks more updated so there is no way I can break out, thankfully I can stay with takashi tho. As I'm sitting in this cell I can't stop thinking about my girlfriend alisa haiba, we we're so happy together but then I got kidnapped....WAIT WHAT IF SHE THINKS I'M DEAD?! WHAT IS SHES ALREADY FOUND SOMEONE NEW!? just the thought hurts me I love her so much i don't know what I would do if I lost her....

Meanwhile with the haiba family

Alisa pov

It been about a year since my girlfriend miwa died and I'm still not over it, she was my everything and I miss her so much i still haven't found someone new and I know she would want me to move on and be happy but I still have this aching feeling that something isn't right and so I don't try to find someone new cause they would just be a stupid replacement for miwa and I can't do that to someone.

Kageyamas pov

We started the game and thankfully since mitsuke was there and all the setters didn't want to spoil her innocents they made sure all the dares were family friendly which was a relief.

"Tobio Chan truth or dare?" Oikawa san asked me to which I responded "dare" I'm gonna show mitsuke how cool her older brother is! "Alright hmm..... Do a back flip? If you can I really can't think of anything" oikawa San said to which I rolled my eyes, mitsuke got off my lap and I stood up and did a back flip with absolute ease.

"WOAH ONII-CHAN THATS SO COOL!" mitsuke said with that same special sparkle in her eyes that only members of the kageyama family could pull off, "aww thanks mitsuke" I say and sit back down putting her back in my lap and then we continue.

The game went on till night time tho we took a break to eat, we stopped after cause things started getting weird, I mean we ended with tanaka trying to see if he could just squeeze hair out of his skull like those weird clay toys can. Eventually we all were in bed but I had mitsuke stay with aoba johsai cause I wasn't about to trust suma to be in the same room as the only biological family I have right now who I also believed to be dead for 8 years.

Sumas pov

I slept early cause I wanted to wake up extremely early, changed into my normal clothes which was black ripped jeans with chains on the side, a Gray t-shirt and my black lether jacket along with my normal black running shoes, I put my hair into my normal loose ponytail and walked out the door. I sneaked into one of the near by bathrooms cause I didn't want to wake anyone up, then I pulled out my phone and told my men to launch the plan and just like that the entire building was filled with a gas that can make anyone pass out cold in a matter of seconds but of course I had a gas mask so I wasn't affected. I waited a minute or two before I instructed my men to get everyone while I got tobio.

A/N sorry this is short and it took so long I have been busy with stupid school work but I'll try to update more often

Thank you for reading have a wonderful day😊

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