fuck you Suma scum

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Kazami309 - atsumu Kazami309
Jazmyn- singular Bobby pin @depressedweeb2005
Ray- fork @SHLS_Himiko

These three people get detailed chapters where they kill Suma.


Suma woke up in a dark room tied to a chair


Kazami309- why hello there scumbag

Suma-wtf is this?! And who the fuck are you?!

Kazami309- oh I'm no one just your worst nightmare.

Kazami309- now bring in atsumu pls

Suma- tf...

Me- *brings in atsumu* ok sangwoo do your thing

Atsumu- *steals his ankles*

Kazami309- thank you atsu *proceeds to beat Suma with his own ankles*

Suma- *screams like a 5 year old brat*


Jazmyn- my turn! *Pulls out Bobby pin*

Suma- what are you gonna do with that?!

Jazmyn- you'll see *begins piercing him multipule times*

Suma- OWW TF?!

Jazmyn- *pierces his chest*


Jazmyn- *continues to pierce him until he's bleeding all over*


Ray- k my turn

Suma- now what...

Ray- *pulls out fork*

Suma- pls no...

Ray- to late mother fucker

Ray- stabs him in the heart with fork then in he stomach then the throat then the crotch*

Suma- *screams*

Ray- welp we gonna go enjoy rotting here

Suma- aren't you at least gonna finish the job?

Jazmyn- no you'll die eventually here from lack of water and food and bloodlines

Kazami309- my bitch

*Walks out like the bad bitches they are*

Thats the official end of this unfortunately only three people actually commented about it so they are the winners any way thank you for reading


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