setters sleepover

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Sugas pov

We walked into the room and it was fairly large like he said there were 4 beds and they were pretty big, the room its self was painted a light tan colour and had hard wood floors which were awesome.

There was one bathroom and even a kitchen complete with pots and pans! Oikawa and kageyama claimed a bed and so did Shirabu and semi we decided that Kenma and Akaashi would be most comfortable sleeping together so me and yahaba took the last bed.

We started unpacking some stuff and I noticed in my bag I had brought onesies for me and kageyama out of habit and decided to have kageyama wear it since it would be pretty cute.

"Hey kageyama look what I brought!" I say holding up the onesie it was a cute black cat onesie with ears and a tail.

"Suga San why did you bring that?!" kageyama exclaimed blushing furiously and I noticed Oikawa looking a bit confused along with everyone else

"because you look cute in it!" I say and he blushes more if even possible "come on kageyama you wear it at team sleep overs with all the other first years, this isn't any different" I say happily throwing him the onesie

"oh! That reminds me!" Oikawa says and pulls out his own onesies But his are a Brown puppy and a alien one "I brought One for yahaba and I to" he says and yahaba just says "no not happening" and goes to do something else "I brought One for myself to we should tell Kenma and Akaashi to bring one to" I say and call them.

In the call

Akaashi: hi Suga what do you need

Suga: have you left yet?

Akaashi: nope we are waiting for Kuroo to drive us

Suga: ok just being a onesie for you and Kenma we all have one minus Shirabu and semi but there is a store near by we can get them from

Akaashi: ok I will pack onesies for me and kenma bye see you soon

Suga: bye

I hung up the phone and told everyone then went with Shirabu, yahaba and semi to the store for onesies and other necessities.

Oikawas pov

Shirabu, semi and suga all went to buy onesies and yahaba went to look at some other stores so me and Tobio were all alone.

"finally some alone time" I said then hugged Tobio from the back causing him to flinch for a second before relaxing "Oikawa San we can't the others could be back any minute" Tobio argues, but I don't really care.

I turn him around and pin him to the wall "so? We'll just make this quick then" I say and kiss him on the lips, soon I slipped my tongue in and felt inside his mouth, he began to moan into the kiss and I smirked against our lips (who's going to hell with me?) I then slipped my hand under his shirt and started sucking his neck looking for that sweet spot.

"A~ah oikawa san" he moaned out which made me kinda hard "yes baby?" I asked in a seductive tone "i wan.." he started but was cut off by a moan when I bit his neck, realizing I had found the sweet spot I continued to suck that spot (i need holy water) soon there was a big hickey left on his neck and I moved back to his lips, they were so sweet like candy and I just couldn't get enough, but unfortunately our fun was interrupted by Tobio chans phone ringing.

In the call (we are in tobios pov now)

Tobio: hi Suga San

Suga: finally you pick up I have been trying to call you for the past ten minutes!

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