bytrayal 🖤😔🖕🏼

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Jkjkjkjjk don't worry this is an actual chapter😂

Now let's start

Now all that's left to do is take out Suma.....

Hiro,mitsuki,Takashi,the setters,kurasuno,the boyfriends and the brothers all quietly snuck towards sumas room trying their best not to attract any type of attention.

Hiro was able to get us to the hallway where sumas room was but then stopped "my key can't get me into his room, so just step back If he sees you this won't turn out good." Hiro said and everyone stepped back. He then walked up to the door and knocked in a secret pattern "what do you want Hiro" a voice said from the other side "can you please just let me in brother" Hiro said and there was a sigh from the other side before he opened the door for just Hiro to enter, but Takashi and mitsuke were able to sneak inside while everyone else waited outside for them to reopen the door.

Inside the room

"Now what do you want Hiro?" Suma said wanting to get back to his beloved blueberry. "Well onii-chan I wanted to meet my future brother in law before the rest of your team" Hiro said and Suma just looked at him suspiciously before saying "well ok then, I was going to bring him to your room later but if you really want to meet him now then sure" he then went to the bed and shook Kageyama awake "hey tobio wake up I want you to meet my brother" Suma said and Kageyama began to stir awake "hmm babe" Kageyama said as he slowly opened his eyes and saw sumas smile "hey baby come on I want to introduce you to my brother" Suma said and Kageyama slowly got up and stretched a bit.

After stretching he noticed the little boy in the room "hello I'm tobio Kageyama" he said while waving "hi I'm Hiro katsunki his little brother" Hiro said gesturing to Suma while waving.

"It's nice to meet you Hiro" Kageyama said while smiling a sweet smile, Suma smiled softly at the two since they were the only two people he ever felt love for and he was happy that they both were getting along. "Well I'll leave you two to get acquainted, if you need me I'll be in the lower level" Suma said and gave Kageyama a kiss "see ya in a bit baby" Suma said "see ya babe" Kageyama said back then Suma went to Hiro "talk to ya later squirt" Suma said and rubbed his head before leaving the room. "One second I'm gonna wash up then we can talk" Kageyama said and went to the washroom.

Everyone one else was hiding so Suma couldn't see them when he left, but once they were sure that he was completely out of sight they carefully and quietly got out of their hiding spot.

Hiro opened the door and let them in quietly. Once inside they needed to find a way to get Kageyama out of the room without him making a scene.

Meanwhile with our sneaky cats

They tried to find something that had sumas DNA on it but they had no luck. They decided that they would have to get going because they were running out of time.

Soon they reached the meeting place and told the others (miwas team) what happened. "I have an idea" miwa said and walked over to a girl "yuki 215" she said to the girl "yes miwa?" The girl said "I need one more favor" miwa said and explained the situation

"Hmm well I am in charge of doing master sumas laundry so I think if we look we can find maybe a hair on the clothes" yuki said happily then went to the bin of laundry and quickly found on of sumas shirts. She scanned the shirt and found on single hair "found one!" She said and put in in a small plastic bag that she had on her for some reason.

"There you go now go hide" yuki said and they all went to hide.

Back with the others

Iwaizumis pov

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