the new crow part2

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Kamaki suma

He's here but why?

As soon as sensei introduced him I knew I was in trouble

"Hi everyone I am Kamaki suma it's a pleasure to meet you" he said in a tone that only I could tell was fake as hell

"Its nice to meet you too I'm daichi sawamura the captain" daichi said then began introducing the rest of the team

"And this is-" daichi was cut off by suma yelling out with joy

"Tobio kun! It's so good to see you again!" when I heard him say this I snapped back to reality and everyone was staring at me, "you know him kageyama?" tanaka san asked me but I was too shocked he was even back to respond

I began having a panic attack right then and there, just my luck. "kageyama are you ok?!" I heard the voice of Suga but I felt frozen. I couldn't move, speak or even see anymore. My eyes were shut tight as I could and I had to cover my ears, It got hard to breath and then I got horrible flash backs

The flash back

N-no stop pls suma san




And then it all went dark

End of flash back

It kept getting harder to breath, I haven't had a panic attack For months I can't remember how I stopped them, I start to feel really dizzy I can hear the screams of my team mates but I can't move, then it all goes dark

I still hear sounds but their to faint to make out, then silence.

Sugas pov

Kageyama just fell to the ground! Kiyoko checks him and says he just passed out and will be ok. I have to call iwaizumi to pick Kageyama up since he told me his parents were busy today in Tokyo.

I pick up the phone to call him, daichi asking me who I'm calling but I just ignore him and go into the hall to talk

Iwaizumi: hello?

Suga: iwa somethings wrong with kageyama

Iwaizumi: what happened?!

Suga: well we got a new player on our team and when we were introducing ourselves he started having a panic attack!

Iwaizumi: IS HE OK?!

Suga: he's ok now he just passed out we need you to come get him cause no one here knows where his house is.

Iwaizumi: I can't cause then they would know about our relationship but I will send kindaichi and kunimi

Suga: can they drive?

Iwaizumi: me and oikawa will wait in the car while they get tobio

Suga: got it I will grab his things from the club room

Iwaizumi: thanks see you soon

Suga: see ya soon bye

I hung up the phone and went to get kageyamas things

"I just called someone to pick Kageyama up can one of you get his things from the club room please" I ask, ennoshita volunteers "great thanks" I say then he leaves.

"Who did you call to pick Kageyama up?" daichi asks me "some family members of his" I say, he nods then we turn to kamaki

"can you please explain how you and Kageyama know each other and why he has a panic attack When he saw you?" I ask firmly

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