he's back~

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Iwaizumis pov

When he said he was back my throat went dry and my eyes widened in fear but i quickly shook it off, I had to be brave for my boyfriends cause of I'm not then Tobio might have another panic attack.

Tobio started crying again so me and oikawa held him tighter trying to comfort him and it seemed to be working a bit. Soon we heard a knock at the door and looked up to see Tobios parents looking at us fondly.

"Well it seems you four have handled everything yourselves" Tobios mom said relived

"do you guys know what caused this?" his dad Asked in a smooth calm voice kunimi then pulled his parents outside most likely to tell them and just as I expected a few minutes later loud gasps could be heard through the door then after a bit of silence Tobios parents walked back in

"tobio I should have asked earlier but would you like to get a restraining order against him" Tobios mom asked with disgust in her voice as she referred to him and we all knew who she was talking about, tobio slowly nodded and then his parents walked out of the room I'm guessing to get everything sorted.

Sumas pov

My parents had bailed me out early the only thing they're really good for, I don't live with them my younger brother and I live away from them whilst they have their own estate in america.

Of course that's irrelevant as I was more focused on seeing my precious tobio again, I had one of my followers keep tabs on him so I would know which school he had gone to so all I needed was to transfer to his school in order to be with him again!

I had my serum all ready so we could be a couple again, this time it would be more powerful cause it was mixed with a love serum and would last 5 years! But when I arrived tobio had a panic attack for some reason And was taken home by someone who I don't know since I was asked to leave.

Even so I will get my tobio back of its the last thing I do! And if I can't have him no one can.

So I get started on a new plan To get tobio to drink this, but just as I start one of my followers comes in.

"Sir we have some news on the queen" he says I call Tobio queen cause I am like the king/leader and every king needs his queen of course

"well what is it I don't have all day" I say impatiently "he seems to he dating someone who is unknown to us and his friends have a new relationship that after looking through his papers seems to be he was adopted by their parents, in addition to that we have received a letter saying he is requesting a restraining order against you" he says and my eyes widen in shock my tobio is in a relationship?!

And those meddling friends of his are his brothers now?! Worst of all is that restraining order, I can find ways to break up Tobios relationship and I could defiantly kill his New brothers but if I go against the law again I will be back in prison for life! And this time my family won't be able to bail me out, I have to find a way to win against the court so he can't get a restraining order, and I have to do it fast!

Let's say it only took about 2-3 days for everything so time skip

In the end I convinced the court not to allow the restraining order, tobio and his family didn't look happy but I was jumping for joy. Now that that's settled I just have to earn the trust of his teammates and then I'll be golden!

Time skip to the next day

I go into the club room and see tobio is already there with that shrimp kid changing. I expected this from tobio since even in middle school he came very early for practice, After changing I went into the gym, it has already been set up and I saw tobio setting to that shrimp ki- WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! they just did a super fast quick! It was faster then most I have seen before!

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