training camp begins!

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A/N we are time skipping to when training camp starts!

Kageyamas pov

I had just finished packing for training camp, it was Sunday night and I was tired from the night before and had a very painful headache but I had to finish packing.

"hey Tobio have you finished packing" I heard the calm voice of my adoptive mother say "yes I just finished" I say which makes her smile but then her face becomes serious "listen Tobio I know that sumas going to be at this training camp and i just want to make sure again that you really don't want me to tell the coach about him?!" she says clearly very worried

"yes I have iwaizumi, Oikawa and kindaichi and Kunimi to protect me plus it would be stupid of him to try something at training camp where there will be A lot more people" I say but I really was worried even if in order to do anything he would have to get rid of everyone at the camp! That's 5 teams 5-8 coaches and like 10 managers! That is way to many! But I still have a feeling he'll find a way

Some how


A/N Welp that's it.......


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Come on your almost there



(still kageyamas pov)

I just reached karasuno and everyone was already waiting there, was I late?

"Hi everyone sorry if I'm late" I say while walking to the bus "it's fine we expected it, after all you did have your first hang over yesterday!" Daichi San says but I can tell he's very mad

"WAIT WHAT!?" Tanaka and Noya senpai screamed in unison "we'll talk all about it when we get on the bus now let's go!" Suga San says he obviously had a headache just like me,

"hey Tobio kun! So you blew me off for a sleepover with some setters!" suma said threw a fake smile "sorry about that but either way I told you I didn't want to go" I say and walk into the bus, no one had heard us thankfully also I don't even know how I manged to sound confidant with him!

I'm a lazy mother fucker so time skip to half way to the camp!

We just finished explaining our night with the setters obviously excluding any parts that hinted at me Oikawa and iwaizumi dating,

"wow sounds like fun!" the shrimp said all excited and as usual he said it very loud and considering he was right next to me it was basically l like he was screaming in my ear! "Shut up boke! Stop screaming in my ears!" I say very annoyed

"gomen bakayama" he says snickering so I glare at him causing him to flinch and back off.

Sumas pov (man it's been awhile like 3 chapters or something?)

God I hate that shrimp why does he have to be so close to MY TOBIO! I've been watching them for a few days and have come to that conclusion that they might not be dating. I mean they clearly get into a lot of fights and the shrimp is clearly a bottom which wouldn't make sense for my Tobio since he to is a bottom, it would be like having two positive charged magnets and expecting them to connect! It just won't work you need a negative charged magnet and a positive charged magnet for them to connect. I look around the bus for New suspects for tobios lover.

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