new plan

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Kageyamas pov

After suma left I continued walking to aoba johsai to see my boyfriends and brothers. It was a long walk but I didn't mind since practice was canceled I had plenty of time.

When I arrived they had just finished practice so I waited outside for them. After about 20 minutes they came out side, "hey Tobio chan what are you doing here?" oikawa san asked "practice was canceled today so I decided to come see you I hope it's ok" I say I didn't want to interrupt any team plans. "Of course it's ok it's better then ok" oikawa said "ya we were actually gonna come visit today anyway" iwaizumi said and then they both kissed me on the cheek causing me to blush and cover my face with my hands, "aww Tobio chan don't cover your face you so cute when Your flustered" oikawa says and removes my hands from my face.

"Hey Tobio Why are you here don't you usually do extra practice with the shrimp?" I heard the familiar voice of my oldest brother (by month) kunimi say and turn my head to see him "practice was canceled so I came to see you guys" I say and then we all Welk together to our house.

"So any updates on you know who?"
Iwaizumi asks "he was quiet during morning practice but did a lot better then he did in middle school" I say and kindaichi asks me "is that it?"
"When I was walking to Your school he stopped me to ask to hang out, of course I said no but he said that I didn't have a say and that we were going to meet at the front of the school tomorrow" I say "and obviously I'm not going" I finish and they all sigh in relief "there is no way your walking home alone tomorrow me and kunimi will come pick you up" kindaichi says and I thank him.

Soon we arrive at our house and When we go inside we see a note on the table, I pick it up and read it aloud

Dear tobio akira and yutaro

Me and your dad are going to be away this weekend again for business we hate to leave you alone again but we know you can handle yourselves please stay safe and contact us if something goes wrong we will be back on Monday and have left your signed forms for your training camp in your rooms just leave a note before you leave for camp in case

We love you see you soon

Love mom and dad

I finish reading the note and kindaichi says "man I totally forgot we are having training camp this week" we all laugh a little but the truth is we all kinda forgot about it with this whole suma drama, they decided to have a training camp with all 4 powerhouse schools kurasuno, aoba johsai, nekoma, shiratorizawa and fukurodani. we were So excited but Now that sumas here I don't think any of us will be safe.

Even so we aren't about to let him get in the way of volleyball, so we try to forget about it and relax a bit.

Oikawa San and iwaizumi San decided to stay the night just in case, we also decided to all sleep in the living room since its pretty big, me Oikawa and iwaizumi moved three futons together and slept together in the middle of the living room, me in the middle Oikawa on my left and iwaizumi on my right. Iwaizumis San prepares dinner whilst oikawa San helps me and kindaichi with our homework.

Maths is always frustrating but oikawa San is good at explaining, meanwhile Akira is laughing at us from the couch as we attempt to solve these calculaus problems.

After dinner we all decide to go straight to bed, kunimi and kindaichi sleep on the couch whist we sleep in the floor.

I fall asleep pretty fast with oikawa and iwaizumi cuddling me cause it's feels warm and comforting. Maybe it'll all work out in the end.

Time skip to the morning

I was the first one up and decided to make everyone breakfast, miwa taught me how to cook with mom when we were little and my new mom (Kunimis mom) taught me a bit more after I was adopted so I know a couple things.

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