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You: Haylee!

Haylee: Yeah?

You: This came from grandma for you

Haylee: Can I open it?

You: Yeah! It's yours

Just then you feel Tom come from behind you

Tom: Hi shortie

You: Hey

Tom: Hi bubba

Haylee: Hey dad

Tom: What's that?

Haylee: I don't know

You: Your mom dropped it off after work

Haylee opens the box and starts running around

Tom: Woah, Woah, Woah, calm down. What is it?

Haylee: It's one of your old sweatshirts

You: Those are supposed to be mine!

Haylee: It's the one grandma always gives me when you guys are working

Tom: That's so nice of her

Ryker: MOM?!

You: Yeah, Ry?

Ryker: Is dad home yet? I need his help

Tom: I'm coming bud

You: Duty calls

He gives you a kiss and goes upstairs

Kristen: y/n!

You: Kitchen!

Kristen: Hey

You: How was your trip?

Kristen: The kids loved it

You: What about Harrison?

Kristen: Oh, I included him in the kids

You both laugh

Haylee: Hi aunt Kristen

Kristen: Hey munchkin, how are you?

Haylee: Great

You: Why don't you go put your toys away, Haylee?

Haylee: Okay

Kristen: I'll tell Uncle Harrison to help you

Haylee: Yay!

Harrison: Hey y/n

You: Hey, how was Disney?

Harrison: Amazing. Liam and Mattie loved it

You: I'm glad. Especially since that room belongs to me now

Kristen: It does?

You: Yeah, my grandparents passed everything Disney related they had to me

Harrison: Wow

You: I did also get everything of theirs

Harrison: You did?

You: Yeah, mom and dad are in jail and after what Jacob did, my grandparents disowned him

Kristen: How is he?

You: Good. He calls once a month. Recently it's all been great news. He's starting his own family

Tom comes downs with Ryker on his back

Tom: Who is?

You: You know who is

Tom: Oh, gotcha. Hey guys, how was Disney?

Harrison: Awesome as always

Ryker: When are we going to Disney?

You: A few months Ry

Ryker: Okay!

Tom puts him down and he runs off

Tom: So, he's actually figured life out?

You: Yeah. He wants to marry this girl

Kristen: Will you go if he invites you?

You: I don't know, probably not. I've got kids now

Tom: Nothing will happen

You: Knowing my luck something will

Harrison: We've been good for over 10 years

You: And we haven't done anything with or about them. I don't want the twins to even know about them

Tom: That's why we only put up recent pictures...

Harrison: I guess that makes sense

You: Harrison, can you go help Haylee clean up?

Kristen: I told her you'd help

Harrison: Absolutely I'll help my niece

He runs upstairs and Tom's just staring at you

You: What?

Tom: Nothing, you just look really amazing today

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