f o u r t y - t h r e e

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Tom: Morning little man

Tom took Caleb from you with a huge smile

Olivia: Mommy, can I have more, please?

You: Absolutely Livvy, you can have as much as your little tummy can hold

Haylee: I'll scoop it for her mom. You might want to check on Ryker though

You: Is he outside?

Haylee: Yeah

You walked outside to find Ryker

You: Hey bubs

Ryker: Hi mom

You: Did you eat?

Ryker: Dad made me eat a plate he made, but I wasn't really hungry

You: Is there more you're not telling me Ry?

Ryker: They never stop...doesn't matter how hard I try

You: What?

Ryker: The kids at school...

You: What do they do?

Ryler: Constantly make fun of me

You: Ry, I'm so sorry

Ryker: It's because I don't live up to the Holland name

You: I don't live up to the Holland name bubs

Ryker: Sure, you do. You and dad work for Marvel

You: Which makes you a part of that too Ryker. Both you and Haylee mean absolutely everything to dad and me. We made a promise when you guys were born that we'd always be here for you. Anytime you need us

Ryker: I can't just call you during school

You: Why not? I always have my phone on my and about 90% of the time dad does too

Ryker: So, whenever I need you—

You: Dad and I are a phone call away...always, and so is Robert

You kissed Ryker's head before heading back inside

Tom: He okay?

You: He will be, just give him space

Ryan: Mom?

You: What's up bud?

Ryan: Where's Ryker?

You: Right outside. Why don't you go give him a hug?

Ryan: Okay!

He runs outside and Tom cleans up breakfast

You: Haylee?

Haylee: Mom?

You: Are you okay?

Haylee: I know you worry about me mom, but I'm okay. I know Ryker's not though

You: Oh boy. Tom, can you get Liv dressed, please?

Tom: Yeah. Come on you little booger

She screamed as Tom put her over his shoulder

Haylee: Mom?

You: Tell me everything

Haylee: The kids at school are jealous of him. They wish they had his smarts and his looks. He looks like dad and thinks like you mom. The kids don't understand him...they're just so jealous of him

You: I'm not understanding bubba

Haylee: They make fun of him because they're jealous and I don't know what to do. I swore I wouldn't tell you or dad, but I've tried everything, mom

You looked at Haylee and wiped away the tears from her cheeks

You: You're doing the right thing, Haylee. Dad and I can take it from here, okay?

Haylee: Okay mom

You: Why don't you get dressed and you, me, and Liv can go shopping?

Haylee: Sounds fun

You kissed her head before heading out to Ryker and Ryan

You: My favorite boys

Ryan: Mom!

You: You guys okay spending the day with dad?

Ryker: Yeah, we'll have father-son bonding

You: Great. Then next weekend it will be mother-son bonding

Ryan: Yay!

Ryker: Is Caleb staying with us?

You: Yeah bubs. I'm focusing on Haylee and Liv today

Ryker: That's okay

Tom: Told you mommy would be out here

You: There's my little booger

Tom hands her to you while he holds Caleb in his other hand

You: You're like super dad

Tom: That works for me

You: You and I need to talk later Spidey

Tom: Okay. You girls have fun

You: Ready booger?

Olivia: Bye daddy!

She waved after he kissed her head. You gave him a kiss before getting Liv and Haylee in the car

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