🌟29 - New players!🌟

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"You won't need to worry about sneaking her in, they allowed her to come" Takeda showed the email sent by the organisation. He showed the permission for me to come with Tobio..

With that, my brother and I had another adventure to face. And we will be doing it together again.


[(Y/n) Pov]

My brother and I were currently trying to find our way to the youth training camp. Clearly he is no Dora the explorer... while on the way here I was too busy wondering what these new players would be like. Maybe I would see some old faces? Maybe some new? Whoever I meet, I just hope they're nice.

"I think it's this way... oh! Excuse me?! Could you help.. us...?" My brother grabbed the attention of a highlighter with black curly hair. He gave us, well my brother, a nasty glare disgusted glare. From this glare he looked down to me. No glare. With that he walked away.

"Well that was rude.. don't worry (Y/n) just stay close to me and we'll find a way" With that being said, I tightly grabbed onto his hand to then start walking on our journey once again.

It took us a while to find the youth camp but at least we found it! Being honest it was rather big.. this might mean that brother will keep a close eye on me but who says I can't turn into a ninja and sneak away? With these thoughts I smirked to myself. Hand in Hand, we walked into the gym of the youth camp. It looked to me like we were the last ones to arrive due to all the eyes staring at us. With these states, along came whispers. The whispers were mostly about me...

"Who's that??"

"Is she with the king or something?"

"Kidnap maybe?"

"She looks adorable!"


"Ain't she the cutest!?"

These whispers made me feel uncomfortable, with this I hid behind my brothers leg a little as if he was shielding me.

"Kageyama's! Hello! I'm the Coach of the national Japan Team! It's a pleasure to meet you! And hello! Who might you be?" He introduced himself first to my brother to then crouch down to my level asking about who I was. Looking up to his face I saw a warming smile. He seems nice..

"I'm (Y/n) Kageyama..!" Starting to warm up to him, I came out from behind his legs to greet him with a small but bright smile.

"I'm about to go say a big boring speech in a minute to all these troublemakers, how about you go other there and entertain yourself yea?" Still crouched, he pointed over to the benches that were to the right of him. I looked up to my brother who gave me a nod. With the nod of agreement, I walked over to the bench with my backpack on.

Now sat on the bench, I dropped my bag on the floor. Opening the bag I grabbed my drawing book and my pencil case which was full of pens, pencils, highlighters all kind of stationary. Looking around the room I looked for inspiration for my next drawing. I saw the same highlighter from before. Nah let's not draw a highlighter... scanning once again I saw a white haired male with beautiful eyes. He reminds me of a seagull let's hope he won't go snatching my chips!! Turns out I had no inspiration to draw.. putting my book and case away, I instead grabbed my crowned frog plushie.

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