⭐️7 - Training Camp⭐️

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I hope they are there... I want more bear friends...

My brother came in shortly after me to again lay a small kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight (Y/n)"


[(Y/n) Pov]

I decided not to wake my brother up early at 5am like usual so instead I gave him a minute lay in waking him up at 5:01am instead!

He told me not to wake him up at 5am so actually it's fair. I walked into his room grabbing a hold of his covers and duvet to then drag them out of the room.

Hmmm... still asleep...

An idea popped into my head at the second I saw my first strategy didn't work. I walked back into my room grabbing my pillow. Going back to my brothers room I cleared my throat.

"GET UP SLEEPY HEAD!!! RISE AND SHINE!!!" I screamed while smacking him with my pillow. In an instant my pillow was caught. I gulped as I saw my brother rise from his bed. At my end of the pillow I let go and ran to my room.

Don't kill me brother!!!!

A few minutes passed, I peeked out from behind the door only to see my brother stood there looking down at me angrily.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!!!" I squeezed my eyes shut expecting some kind of thrash back at me but all I got in return was my pillow placed on my head and the footsteps of my brother walking back to his room. A loud sigh escaped my lips as my heart rate slowed down.

I really thought he was gonna get me...

I hurriedly went back to my bed placing my pillow in its original place. I started to pack my clothing and other necessities.

After packing everything I needed, I tried to drag my bag but it wouldn't budge. My door was soon opened with my brother coming in.

"You done packing?" I nodded in response while still trying to move my bag.

"Here let me clearly you can't move it" My brother came up to me while picking my bag up like it was some kind of feather. I just stared in admiration as I saw my strong built brother walk out of my room with two bags in hand.

Walking over to my bed, I went to my pillow grabbing my notebook. Opening the page to reveal the Polaroid photograph. Safely putting the photo into my pocket, I closed the notebook and placed it back under my pillow.

I came downstairs with all 3 bears cuddled against my chest, I placed the bears besides me at the kitchen table eating the already toasted toast. I decided not to feed my bears today as we were already in the hurry to get to school on time.

We were finally finished with everything.
Breakfast - Eaten
Packed - Done and Dusted
Security - Checked twice
Bears - In hand
My brother and I were now on our journey to Karasuno.

[In Tokyo - Nekoma]

[Kuroo Pov]

I walked up to our schools gym already seeing most of the team there. My friend, Kenma, and I walked in waiting for other schools to arrive.

"I heard there's going to be a small infant joining us Kuroo.." I looked down to my pudding friend confused as for what he meant.

"What do you mean Kenma?" I asked in curiosity.

Why would an infant be joining high school volleyball training camp? No babysitter?

"I mean Kageyama's little sister will be joining us for the duration of training camp..." I continued to look towards my pudding friend.

Sister huh?

[Also in Tokyo - Furukodani]

[Akaashi Pov]

"Bokuto-san when we arrive please don't be so loud" I looked over to the grey horned owl as we were walking to Nekoma for the training camp.

"Yea yea Akaashi don't you worry!" My friend said while beaming with radiant energy. I just sighed knowing what he said was a fat lie.

"Well you're going to have to tone it down a little once a certain someone arrives okay?" This caused him to stop in his track while looking at me confused.

"Kageyama's little sister is going to be there" Bokuto just looked at me.

"WOAH COOL!!! LETS GO! HURRY AGAAAAASHIII" At this rate I was being dragged him my grey haired friend sighing to myself.

[At Aoba Josahi]

[Oikawa Pov]

"Heard a little sprout is going to be attending this seasons training camp Iwa-Chan!" I mentioned to my bestfriend as we sat side by side on the bus on our way to the camp.

"I heard as well.. Wonder if 'Kyo' will be at his best performance having his little cheerleader there" Iwaizumi mentioned back while looking back to Kyotani.

Kyotani just grunts in response although the entire team knew on the inside he was bursting with happiness, happiness that he gets to see his little pup again.

[At Date Tech]

[Koganegawa Pov]

"Hey Aone!!! There's going to be a little sibling attending the training camp did you know?!" I asked my tall built friend, of course no response but instead I got a nod as a response.

"I wonder what she's like!! Do you think she'll run away once she sees you?" I turned to face the window of the bus to admire the scenery that passed us.

"Heard She's the little sister of that infamous king of the court!" I also mentioned while still staring outside not fussed with responses as he wouldn't say anything back.

"I hope I do not scare her off..." I swiftly turned my head around to see my white haired friend talk to me.


[Back at Karasuno]

[(Y/n) Pov]

A small shiver was sent up my spine as I sat next to my bear friend Asahi.

"You okay (Y/n)?" I looked up to Asahi and shook my head as a sign of 'no'.

"Don't worry Asahi! I'll be fine!" As I said that i cuddled up to his arm while hugging my bears as well.

I hope training camp goes well...

To Be Continued

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