⭐️19 - Food Fight?!⭐️

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"Don't worry Kyo, I'm with an adult this time! ...An old man... hehe!!" I whispered the last part into his ear, we both giggled at my remark. Although it was a whisper, the coach still some how heard me.

"I'm not old!! Hurry up lazy bones!" Kyo finally let me go, I ran up to the coach. Now walking out of the gym, we walked up to his car. We go BRR BRR BEEP. Now on our way to the hospital, I soon wondered how my brother would react.


[(Y/n) Pov]

Currently sat in the waiting room in the hospital, Ukai and I were waiting on the doctor to come back with some form of news related to my injured wrist. Fractured? Who knows. Broken? Possibility. Unharmed? There's a chance. We sat there for what felt like days but in reality it was only a couple hours. As we sat there, I kicked my legs back and fourth in boredom.

"The boys caught onto you real quick hey kid?" I stopped kicking my legs, looking up at the tall coach he asked me with a soft voice.

"I guess so... I don't want to leave them when this is over..." I soon looked down at my feet, upset by the fact I would have to leave them. Would we meet again? If so, when? All these questions wouldn't stop popping in my head. Would they forget about me...? The sudden question almost made me cry. I sighed to myself, shaking my head trying to get rid of the sudden thought.

"Don't worry kid, I'm sure you'll meet them again real soon and maybe some different players too" My sadness disappeared in a flash. There were more?! Now excited at the thought of meeting more volleyball players, I wondered what they would be like. Would they be protective like Kyo? Maybe cheerful like Bo! Or or maybe funny like Kawa!!! A smile started to form on my face as I continued to wonder what these new players were like.

"(Y/n) Kageyama please" The new voice broke my train of thought. I was now ready to be seen by the doctors. Hand in hand, Ukai and I followed the doctor into his own office.

"It's not broken that's the good news, however there's a small fracture between the joint of your forearm and wrist. Nothing outrageous, you won't be needing a cast but I recommend you get a splint in case of any events in the future which could alter the damage" I sighed in relief, it wasn't broken!! Hooray! We did it! We did it! We did It! Yay! The Dora song soon popped into my head, I turned my head to Ukai with a beaming smile on my face.

Ukai and I said our thanks, bowed and left the office. I was given a free splint by the nice doctor. Now walking out of the hospital, we drove back to the training camp.

We soon arrived at the camp, we both walked into the gym only to find no one there.

"Umm... were they kidnapped?!" I quickly asked the blonde coach wondering where all the players disappeared off too.

"No... aha I'm sure they weren't kidnapped you're forgetting that there is Ushijima and many other strong players in this camp" After hearing this my facial expression changed into an 'o' like shaped. Dumbfounded I was. Stupid I was. Silly billy I was!

"I'm sure they're just in the cafeteria stuffing their faces with who knows what" We left the gym and headed to the cafeteria. Ukai was right, well expect the last part. They weren't eating. It was more like a food fight? But what were they fighting about? Hmmmm...

[This was after (Y/n) left with Ukai to go to the hospital]

[Kageyama Pov]

I watched my sister leave with our coach to the hospital. I sure hope she wasn't hurt. Fists will be raised if she got hurt.

"Hey Kags! So since next week is our last week, the coaches said we can have the week off! Sooooo.... can we take (Y/n) and hang out with her for a day?!" I turned my head to see many different players from different teams on their knees. Woah... the power...!!! Yes kneel before me you bitches!! Wait- TAKE (Y/N)?!

"I think the fuck not! You're forgetting she's my sister!" I growled underneath my breath in anger. No bitch will be taking my sister from me! I barely spent any time with her!!

I stormed out of the gym to only head to the cafeteria. I needed to blow off some steam. Storming into the cafeteria, I made my way to an empty table. Sitting down, a loud sigh escaped my lips. Closing my eyes, I wondered what I could do with (Y/n) next week.

"Pleaseeeeeee!!! Cmon kags!! We'll protect her!!" Shooting my eyes open, I saw them there again. Those ugly faces. Faces that belonged to:
Kuroo - Ugly cat
Bokuto - Disgusting Owl
Oikawa - More like Uglykawa
Kyotani - Mad-Dog for real
Aone - Scary Bigfoot
Tendou - Ronald McDonald who?
Ushijima - Eh farmer much
Asahi - Cant really offend someone on my team

I looked down at my lap grunting in annoyance. She's MY sister what do they not understand?! Looking up once again, I soon laid my eyes on a tub of pasta at the 'help yourself' looking station. Getting up from my seat, I walked over to the pasta.

"You wanna know what I think about this?" I questioned the group while I continued to look at the pasta. I was practically admiring it at this point. Grabbing ahold of the pasta in my bare hand, I threw it in their direction.

"EAT SHIT YOU FUCKERS SHES MY SISTER!!" I continued to throw food at this point. Since the other 'team' didnt have any of the food, they threw rubbish and trash from the bins.


"What is going on in here?!" I was about to throw a cream pie (😏😏) in their direction only to stop once I heard our coaches voice. Which was soon followed up by Nekoma's. Then Shiratorizawa. Date Tech. Aoba Johsai. Furokodani. We were all in trouble for sure. The cafeteria was a complete mess. I was a mess!!! They were in a bigger mess BUT ME!!!

"Kageyama Tobio! Explain this!" Another grunt. Putting the pie back down, I walked up to my coach.

"...they were gonna take (y/n..." I lowly said in embarrassment. The fact that (Y/n) was right next to him as well...

"Speak up hot head!" A louder grunt. Gritting my teeth, I shot my head up looking at him dead in the eyes.

"THEY WERE GONNA TAKE MY SISTER FROM ME NEXT WEEK! I WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH MY SISTER! MY SISTER! IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?!" Releasing my anger, I started to pant. All I wanted was to spend time with her, just us. No one else. Please just this one time...

I soon felt little hands on my left leg. I looked down and saw my sister hugging my leg. Sure I was dirty and smelly but she still hugged me. I soon softened up at her touch.

"I'm sorry coach, I'm sorry everyone I didn't mean to start this" I bowed to the coaches first then bowed to the other players.

"It's alright kid but you gotta clean up. Same with you 8! Clean it up! If it's not spotless none of you will get to hang out with (Y/n)!" After hearing this I ran back into the cafeteria and stated to clean up. The others too cleaned up with me. We needed this spotless. Glimmering in fact!

I will get to spend time with her!

To Be Continued

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