⭐️16 - New Plushie⭐️

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"Well if it's okay with him and if he's allowed then I don't see a problem but he better protect you with his life" I giggled at my brothers demand, he sure was over protective but I love that about him. We continued to cuddle and talk about random small things until we got notified about breakfast.


[(Y/n) Pov]

Brother and I cuddled for the remaining time. Suga however came up to us, notifying its now time for breakfast. As we untangled from each other's grasp, I left the futon first followed with my brother leaving it too. I jogged up to the door leaving the Karasuno dorm. I walked back to the cafeteria where I met the 3 players from Aoba Johsai.

Now in the cafeteria. My adventure came to an end. Most teams were already there only a few missing. The ones missing were Karasuno and Date Tech. I decided to sit with the Nekoma team today. Walking up to the table, I sat next to the tall Russian grey cat. Now sat next to him, he looked down at my figure as I looked up staring into his cat like eyes.

"Hey little kitten!!" A gleaming teethy smile was given from him as he ruffled my hair. Giggling at his actions, I gently grabbed on his wrist which was ruffling my hair.

"Silly Lev... Hi Hi!!" As he stopped ruffling my hair, I waved my hands in the air waving at him and the rest of the team in front.

"Aah hey little one have you had breakfast?" I wondered to myself. Did I have breakfast...?

"I don't think so... I want toast anyway!!" Giving my final answer, I saw Yaku get up from the table to get me my requested toast.

Yaku soon came back with my toast, lightly toasted with lightly spread butter. Munching on my toast, I looked around the table and saw everyone talking. I soon laid my eyes on the teams second year setter. He was currently glued to his switch. It's only morning and he's already playing on his games?! Not bothered by his actions, I continued eating my toast.

My plate was officially empty. The missing teams were now in the cafeteria also eating their breakfast. Looking around the room once more, I tried to find Kyo. He said we could hang out today!! I can't wait! Finally setting my eyes on him, I said my goodbyes to the Nekoma team and left the table walking to the Aoba Johsai table.

"Excuse me Kawa, can I sit here?" Seeing the only empty sit next to Kawa, I gently asked if the seat was free for me to sit down.

"Of course little Sprout! Come sit next to your favourite person" He patted the seat next to him, I was now sat next to him. I saw the team was already finished with breakfast.

"Kyo, are we going to hang out today...?" Asking once more, he gave a friendly nod in return. We were actually going to hang out!! Yay!!!

Gleaming in happiness, I sat there while kicking my legs back and fourth waiting for the moment we could hang together.

"But first I need to ask my coach if it's okay of course" My legs stopped in their place. Looking down in, I was worried that he wouldn't be allowed to leave the practice today.

"Don't worry mad-dog!! I'll let the coach know! You two just have a good time today okay?" Kawa soon spoke up noticing my sadness, copying Lev's actions, he too ruffled my hair.

"Yay!!! Let's go Kyo!!!!" Jumping off my seat, I ran over to Kyo. Now holding his hand, I dragged him with all my force and power.

"Hold on... I'm coming I'm coming! Did you tell your brother firstly?" Nodding in response, I continued to drag him through the cafeteria. Everyone looked at us, most chuckled at my actions and my determination that I could drag him.

Kyo and I finally left the cafeteria and now heading out of the campus grounds. I told Kyo that I was allowed to leave the grounds since he was with me.

"Where shall we go?" I too questioned myself that same question.

"Oh! I want to go there!!" Pointing to the toy store ahead, I again dragged him. Now in front of the store, we went in.

I looked around the store. Admiration was spread across my face. All the toys were amazing!! However one caught my eye. It was another plushie! But not a bear, instead a dog!! Grabbing the plushie, I ran up to Kyo to show him the plushie.

"Look look!! I have bear plushies but can I have this one Kyo?! It reminds me of you..." I gently said the last sentence as I tightly hugged the new plushie in my arms.

"Very well then, I'll buy it for you yea?" Jumping in my one spot, we walked up to the counter paying for the plushie.

We left the store hand in hand, my new plushie was in my other. We walked around for most of the time we had together.

"Kyo... can we get something to eat..?" Shallow rumbles could be heard from my little stomach alerting the tall blonde that I was hungry. Seconds later I was on his shoulders.

"Very well then let's feed this little puppy yea?" I started to gently pat his head to a random beat in my head.

As he walked around looking for a place where we could possibly eat, we came across a small cafe. Walking in, the door made a ding sound alerting the cafe staff that there was a new customer to feed.

"Hello! Please sit down wherever you like, come order at the counter when ready!" Kyo bowed in response, I was too nervous to say anything. As Kyo walked up to a two seating table, he let me down from his shoulders.

As we sat at the table, I stared at the menu wondering what I wanted to eat. Seeing the word 'muffin' my eyes gleamed. Practically happiness was radiating of my body.

"Kyo!! I want this!!" Pointing at the muffin, I wanted a chocolate chip muffin. Kyo sighed and nodded.

Hehehe your wallet is mine!!

Giggling evilly to myself inside my head, Kyo got up and left the table to order. Now sat alone at the table, I looked around the cafe admiring all the features of the cafe. However I didn't notice the same male from a previous incident walking up to my table. I heard Kyo's chair shuffling so I looked back.

"Kyo!! You're back- huh?!" Now sat in front of me was the same male. The same male I wished I would never see again. He was smirking at me while I started to tremble in my seat. Clutching my Kyo plushie, I tightly hugged it in my chest.

"Hey Doll~"

To Be Continued

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