✨9 - Little Crow✨

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All the compliments kept flying in as I stood there almost crying due to all the nice comments. Soon tears started to fall from your eyes as you looked at them still smiling.

"Thank you guys!!" I dropped the drawing, the drawing laying besides my bears, I ran up to everyone and hugged them all. Tears still falling. They were all surprised by this and hugged you back.


[(Y/n Pov]

I backed away from my team allowing some air to pass through our lungs. I looked over to the opposing team who was in red. I looked back at my drawing.

Should I show them..? They are in the picture also...

After debating with myself, I grabbed my drawing and made my way over to the other team. The first one to notice my presence was a seriously tall grey silver cat looking male. He pushed aside everyone and ran towards me. The smell of sweat was intoxicating my nostrils as I held my hand out wanting him to stop.

"Stinky..." I said under my breath hoping that no one heard me but that wasn't the case. I looked up to see the grey male now in front of me pouting.

"I stink..?" He had tears on edge wanting to cry at my remark. I gave in and gave him a leg hug.

"No... I'm sorry don't cry!! I'm (Y/n)!" I said while backing away from his leg with a teethy smile. Clearly this cheered him up as in a quick swift I was in the air again.

"Hello (Y/n)! Call me Lev!" I looked into his green cat eyes.

Beautiful eyes....

"I... really like your eyes Lev!" I said, looking away, with red appearing on my cheeks, I was embarrassed...

"Woah!! Really?! I'm glad you like them!" I looked back at him and hugging his neck and giggling.

"Let's go meet my team little kitten!" I kept giggling as he ran over to his team with me in his arms.

"Guys look!! It's little (Y/n) coach told us about!! Ain't she sweet!" As Lev said that he let me down, I looked up to the tall males surrounded around me.

They all have cat like eyes... woah!!! COOL!

"You all have cat eyes!!! Cool!!!" My teethy grin showing once again as I stood there, drawing still in hand;

"Oh yea! I wanted to show you the drawing I made of you guys!!" I showed the drawing to them all. Again all the compliments came flying in causing my heart to ache in aww. A certain cat figure caught my attention, he reminded me of a dark sneaky black cat.

"Black cat!! Hello! I'm (Y/n)!" I excitedly said while pointing to the dark cat.

"Hello little kitten, I'm Kuroo" A ✨famous✨ smirk was spread across his face as I once again laughed at the name he gave me.

"I really like your drawing (Y/n)" I turned my head to the short blonde male stood besides Lev. I giggled a bit at the height difference but stopped shortly afterwards realising it was rude to laugh at others.

"Thank you...." I let the end of my sentence trail on wanting to know his name first before finishing it.


"Thank you Yaku!" I said with a bow.

[Time Skip - Dinner]

It was now time for dinner. I spent the first part of my day hanging with Aoba Johsai, I then spent most of my day drawing game matches and now it was time to eat for dinner.

I was sat at a table alone, for the time being, while my brother went to sort out some dinner for myself and himself. During that time a few players came to my table. These players being Kawa, Kuroo and Bokuto. My 3 favourite captains if you could say.

Kuroo, Kawa was sat opposite me and Bokuto was sat on the right side of me.

"How's my favourite little owl doing?!" I looked over to Bokuto, he was shoving his dinner into his mouth.

"I'm doing great Bo! How's my favourite owl Captain doing?!" I gave him a teethy grin, which he returned.

"I'm doing great thanks for asking!!" He said while ruffling my hair. I giggled at his actions causing him to clutch his heart in aww.

"She ain't no Owl Bokuto, she's a cat! Aren't you kitten?" I moved my gaze over to Kuroo's about to say something but was interrupted by Kawa.

"She's neither. Not a cat nor an Owl. She's a little sprout! Tell them (Y/n)!" I didn't know what to say so I sat there consulting to myself on what to say back to them.

[Sugawara Pov]

I looked over to the Karasuno table, where my new little baby crow would be sat, I saw 3 captains. 3 captains I didn't want associating with my little (Y/n). I made my way over to the table with my dinner in hand.

Slamming my dinner onto the table causing the 3 captains to look over, obvious fear was in their eyes.

"She's not a cat. Not an owl. NOT A SPROUT. She's a crow!" I raised my voice a tad not wanting to scare (Y/n). Seconds later the 3 captains left the table in an instant and returned to their rightful tables.

"Don't worry (Y/n), you'll forever be a little crow to me" I pulled her into a tight hug, she hugged back sighing.

"You're brother will be here with your dinner in a minute or so okay?" I looked down to her figure and saw her nod her head in response.

Forever a little crow...

To Be Continued

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