🌟11 - Heroes🌟

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"I'll be fine..! Don't worry about me Asahi... I'll be... fine..." I laid my head against his arm falling back asleep. Small snores could be heard making everyone turn to you.

"I'll put her back to bed" Asahi picked me up causing me to wake up again. I groaned not wanting to go back to sleep but I fell back asleep again.


[(Y/n) Pov]

I woke up once again back in the managers room. I was no longe tired, I gathered all the strength I had and walked over to my bags. I gathered a new outfit and went to the bathroom to get changed. Nothing fancy just another outfit which was comfy to my liking.

Coming out of the bathroom I walked into the gym looking for someone to hang with. I saw Karasuno was currently playing against Aoba Johsai so they were both out of the picture. Fukurodani was talking with Nekoma so they are also out of the picture so what's left is Date Tech. I walked over to the team not expecting to see my polar bear friend.

"Polar!!! Hello! I'm all recharged now!" I said while running over to him gleaming with happiness. Unbothered to me that the rest of his team was looking at me.

"Hello there" He gave me a friendly wave as ran up to him hugging his leg. The rest of the team was shocked that their quiet iron wall spoke to someone. Not just someone but you.

"Why are they staring..." Clearly I was uncomfortable and he could see that, it was clear as daylight actually. He picked me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I looked away from the team.

"Don't mind them..." I nodded into his neck, unaware to me but he was glaring at his team telling them to stop. Which they did. The stares were gone.

"How did you sleep?" I looked back to him wondering how I slept.

"I slept great! Thanks to my bears!" He plopped me on the floor and nodded in response. Soon after his coach came up to the team letting them be aware of the upcoming match against Nekoma.

"I'm gonna go! Bye bye Polar and others!" I waved 'bye' to my bear friend and to the others of course, dont want to be rude.

Running from Date Tech now towards the Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai match, I sat myself down next to the blonde coach, Ukai. I sat there admiring the match. I wasn't overly interested in playing the sport but I still found it fascinating. How the players could block the ball from hitting their side of the court, how the players could spike the ball down with serious force.

My staring caused the coach to look downwards at me. Seeing me so fascinated with the match.

"Would you like to play (Y/n)?" The question startled me, it was unexpected if anything.

"Nooooo I could never I don't have the stamina I find it really interesting with the spiking and blocking!" I gleamed back to the match as Ukai continued to look at me before turning his attention back to the match

After the match ended, Aoba Johsai winning, I went up to Karasuno to congratulate them all for trying their hardest. After doing so, I walked up to Aoba Johsai to also congratulate them.

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