⭐️4 - Missing⭐️

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"Never knew you could get along with children hey brown bear?" I looked over to see Daichi talking to me. I just sighed.

"I never knew either but she's different.. she sees me as a cuddly teddy bear.." I looked over to the small sister only to see her talking to the coach.

Must. Protect.


[(Y/n Pov]

Making my way to the coach after leaving Asahi to practice, I stared at the coach in confusion.

"What?" The coach said to me while still looking at the practice.

Woah?!?! Has he got superpowers?!

"No I haven't got powers, I can feel you staring at me." He finally looked down at me while I just stared in confusion and shock.

"Oh! I wanted to ask, who is Man Bun?" Clearly I was confused at the name, he sighed and pointed to Asahi. Following his finger I saw Asahi. I started to giggle. Loudly.

The coach looked back at me and saw me giggling. The coach also giggled.

"Yep... your bear friend" I stopped giggling after hearing the word 'bear'. I grabbed onto my bear and showed the coach.

"He's called Brown bear! He's called that because his fur is brown!" I stared at the coach with admiration while he looked at the bear grabbing onto him. I saw the bear was in his hands admiring the bear.

"Ain't he cute?" I nodded my head as he gave me my bear back. Looking away from the coach but to Asahi. He looked back to me and gave me a small smile and a small wave. I returned the wave and smile back.

Suddenly the doors swung open revealing a rather short ish black haired old male. Sudden memories of the tangerine sweating came back as I stared at the old male. I cringed in disgust and looked away.

"Guys!! G-Guys! Training camp! Practice matches! We have been invited!" Hearing all this I swung my head back to the old male and gazed in ambition. I looked around at everyone and saw they were all happy and excited. I fixed my gaze to my brother who stood there practically emotionless but I knew on the inside he was partying.

"Oh? Who's this?" I looked back to the old male and saw him pointing at me. I basically eep-ed seeing that he was pointing at me as if I was some intruder.

"This is Kageyama's little sister. Takeda it's rude to point as well" I felt two hands on my shoulders, I looked up and saw the coach looking at the male called Takeda.

"Ah okay! Sorry for pointing at you!" I looked back at him and saw him bowing. I just gave him a nod and looked away.

"Kageyama will she be coming with us?" At this question I looked at my brother as he looked back to me. I gave him my pleading puppy eyes and giving him many nods. In defeat he just sighed and nodded to Takedas question.

"Okay! I'll have to talk to the other coaches of course but don't worry surely they will allow her to attend!" Without thinking I ran up to my brother and hugging his leg giving him a teethy wide smile.

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