⭐️34 - Safe!!!!⭐️

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"Want to tell us what's wrong with her? Surely you know"

I noticed that Kyotani, Aone, Suga and Tendou were all stood in front of me. I sighed deeply to myself and gave in. I told them.


[Kageyama Pov]

It's been over a week since (Y/n) first came into the hospital. Throughout the week she's had many visitors. These visitors being the volleyball players she befriended over time. I was currently sat in the arm chair watching my sister asleep soundly. (No not in a creepy way😔🖐)

I haven't heard from the doctor since that day either. The worry is still in my mind. It's always been there since she came here. As I continued to think about the doctor, the star came in.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting something but could I talk to you about (Y/n)?"

I instantly got up from the chair and walked over. The doctor walked out of the room from which I followed.

This time we didn't go to the office.

"Well good news! I'm glad to say that there is no sign of cancer! Although the coughing of blood was a slight tigger warning as well as the other signs but I'm confident to say that she's A-Okay! I believe that she probably started choking in her sleep when she first came in"

I widened my eyes. I clenched my chest. I had tears falling.

"When will she be discharged..?"

"Well we'll keep her here for the next couple days but after that she'll be safe to go home!"

After the doctor gave me the good news, they were back on there way to other patients. I walked back into my sisters room to find her awake.

"(Y-Y/n)!!" I ran over to her bed, trapping her in a tight but warming hug.

"Brother...? You're choking me!!!" I felt hard but soft smacks against my back. Ignoring the smacks, I stayed in the hug. She soon gave in and hugged back.

"You're okay... just like I said!! Always listen to me from now on!" Coming out of the hug, I grabbed onto her shoulders and stared right into her eyes.

"Of course I'm okay!! I wished upon a star last night! Tori Tori told me that wishes come true if you wish upon a star!"

"I'm just thankful you're okay!!"
Today's the day which (Y/n) gets discharged. The night before I messaged the Karasuno group chat about the news. Yes it's a bit late to tell them but I didn't want them to get hyped and start 'attacking' her.

"Let's go home" I opened my hand, her small hand was now interlocked with mine.

We were walking home at the time. It was silent but not the awkward uncomfortable one. This silence was comfortable and warming.

"Tobio...? What happened to the youth camp where Atsu and all them are at..?"

Mean like it's not like I fully disappeared from it... I've just been on ghost mode... airing them in fact!!

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