🌟8 - Drawing🌟

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"You okay (Y/n)?" I looked up to Asahi and shook my head as a sign of 'no'.

"Don't worry Asahi! I'll be fine!" As I said that i cuddled up to his arm while hugging my bears as well.

I hope training camp goes well...


[(Y/n) Pov]

It took a while to get to the training camp destination, I woke up from cuddling up to Asahi as we made our way off the bus.

I held my hand with my brother as we walked into the gym of Nekoma. We were the last team to arrive. Hinata being Hinata, he swiftly opened the doors revealing the Karasuno team. All eyes were on us well specially me. With all the eyes on me, I hid behind my brothers leg.

"Don't worry (Y/n), I won't let anyone hurt you" My brother told me while he started glaring at everyone giving them a warning not to hurt me.

"O-Okay if you say so..." I came out from hiding behind his leg to greet everyone with a bow, while I bowed the whole team bowed and thanked for having us.

"Let's go get sorted in our rooms first then we can practice and get to know each other okay?" I heard Daichi speak up. We all nodded and made our way to the rooming Karasuno will be sleeping in. I, of course, won't be sleeping with them but instead the managers.

I followed the team to their sleeping areas, I sat on the floor besides the door and watched everyone sort themselves out. An idea popped into my head, maybe brother would let me explore again..

"Brother... could I possibly go exploring again..? I won't leave the grounds I promise!!" I asked my brother as I gripped onto his hands pleading.

"Go on... but if I find out that you left the grounds I'll be furious!" I nodded my head frantically, gently placing down my 3 bears to then leave the Karasuno room I made my way back to the gym where everyone was.

I slowly opened the door poking my head through the small gap, looking at everyone until I saw a familiar face. It was Kyotani.

I opened the doors in a swift motion causing almost all the attention now on me as I ran through the courts up to Kyotani to embrace him in a leg hug.

"Kyo!!!! Hello!!! It's me!!!" I said with the happiest tone while looking up to him with a massive teethy grin.

"Hey little pup" He picked me up and embraced me in a tight hug. I giggled at the nickname he gave me.

"I didn't expect to see you here!" I said while still being excited to see him.

"Well I expected you of course, shall we go see my team little pup?" I nodded my head as he let me down, we walked hand in hand up to his team.

"Kawa!!! Hedgehog!!!!" I raised my voice a bit to get their attention, Kawa was the first to run up to me and embraced me in a hug.

"How's my favourite sprout!!? I missed you when you left us!!" I saw Kawa giving me a pouty face as I giggled and hugged him back.

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