✨12 - Tallest Star✨

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"What are we going to do now?" I asked my friend still walking over to our team.

"We'll wait for her to wake up first I don't think handing her over to her brother is a good choice. His anger being the main reason." I saw the soft caring side of Ushijima today and I plan to cherish this moment.


[(Y/n) Pov]

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. The futon was soft and comfortable. Slowly turning to the right of me, I saw a tall male standing in the doorway of the front door.

I think he's talking to someone..? I can't make out who though... please say I'm safe.!!

The anxiety started to rise in my body, I started to tremble while still laying in the bed. I turned to the other side so why don't see me awake nor looking in their direction. Squeezing my eyes shut, trying to prevent any tears from falling, I heard the door close.

"You can stop pretending to be asleep now. I won't hurt you" I shot my eyes wide open, sitting straight up fixating my eyes on the male who was now looking at me. Looking at his features, the one feature which stood out the most would be his olive green hair and his tall statue figure.

"You won't hurt me right..?" Trying not to stutter, I quietly spoke in hopes he heard me.

"Don't worry I won't, how are you though?" Not wanting to talk anymore due to fear, I got up. Walking over to his figure giving him a leg hug almost crying. He starts to pat me head in comfort.

"I need to leave now but feel free to tag along" I heard him softly spoke to me as he continued to gently pat my head. After letting go, I followed him to wherever he was going without a single care in the world, I knew he was safe.

[Ushijima Pov]

I was currently walking back to the gym, after telling the little girl I was leaving she decided to follow along with what I said and started to follow me.

Didnt take long to get to the gym, after waking in I walked over to my team.

"Ohoho! It's the little one! Hello!" Noticing my red head friend being too loud, I shifted my stance a little to hide her.

Why am I being protective of her...

"Was I being too... me?" I gave him a slight nod understanding what he meant by his question. A deep sigh leaving my friends lips as he slowly walked up to me just to then crouch down.

"I'm sorry if I scared you... I'm Tendo Satori it's a pleasure to meet you little one" I stayed still looking down at the two communicating to each other.

As the two continued to talk, I felt as if I was in the way so I stood aside and walked over to Semi. Keeping my eyes fixated on the duo in front, I kept guard of whatever was going to happen.

[(Y/n) Pov]

"I'm Tendo Satori it's a pleasure to meet you little one" His voice was soft and gentle as if he was another brother of mine wanting to reassure me that everything was okay. I came out from behind the olive man and started to talk to the red head.

We spoke for a while and eventually olive boy left us to chat.

"Tori Tori? Who was he?" I quietly said not wanting the olive boy to know I was talking about him.

"That's Ushijima Wakatoshi. The top ace in volleyball also one of your saviours" Tendo flashed a gentle smile to me while I smiled back giving a nod.

We kept talking for a while and honestly although he looks rather freaky he's just a sweet understanding volleyball player who I now admire.

As we kept talking, Ushijima came over to us notifying that they had a practice match coming up in minutes time. I looked down rather upset that Tendo would be leaving me. Before I knew it, head pats. I looked straight up to see Tendo giving me head pats with his gentle smile.

"Don't worry I'm sure you'll be fine if not you can always come watch us dominate" I practically gleamed at the thought of watching him play with Ushijima. I frantically nod at his suggestion, hand in hand we went over to the court he would be playing on. I went to the side and sat down crossed legs.

"Go Tori Tori and Toshi!" After I cheered, both boys looked at me flushed from embarrassment. I continued to cheer, although they weren't even playing yet.

"Thanks little one! I'll do my best for you!" Tendo was stood rather far from me so shouting was best so I could hear him. I saw him standing there with his arms in the air, giggling at his actions I copied.

[Time Skip - After the match]

As Tendo said, they dominated easily. I was sat to the sides in astonishment still shocked of what went down during the match.

Tori Tori is amazing!!! His blocks! Just wow!! Then there's Toshi!!!!

I got up in an instant running over to Tendo to give him a tight hug while congratulating his success.

"Well done Tori Tori!!" As I hugged his leg, he looked down at my small figure giving me head pats.

"All thanks to you and your cheering little one!!" He swiftly picked me up, placing me on his shoulders giving me a piggy back ride. Boy was I up high.

I can see everything from up here!!! I'm taller than Toshi!!!!

"I'm taller than Toshi now arent I?!" I asked Tendo as I played with his red hair, he chuckled at my question.

"Indeed you are taller than Toshi, You're the tallest star in the gym (Y/n)!" Hearing him calling me a star, I gleaned in happiness.

I stayed on his shoulders for a little longer, only for the gym doors to slam open revealing a group sweaty boys. I saw Kyo and Asahi first but soon saw my brother. He was furious...

"Tori Tori... is brother mad at me...?" I asked Tendo silently trying to hide my presence from my brother not wanting to be found. A true game of where's Wally began.

To Be Continued

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