⭐️Day 3 - Movies!⭐️

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The fireworks lasted 10 minutes or so, I fell asleep half way through the firework display. Kuroo was holding me in his arms as we walked back to camp. We made it back to camp safely, Kuroo took me to my sleeping areas, gently placing me on my futon then leaving. Today was another great day.

Will tomorrow be the same?


[(Y/n) Pov]

I was currently sat in the movie theatre waiting for the film to start. I looked to my right and saw the one of the angry bird characters. Turning my head to the left I saw my polar bear friend. I was surrounded by animals. Turning it back to the right, I poked the bird's arm wanting his attention.

"Huh? Oh! What's up?" I startled him at first but soon he looked down at my figure and titled his head in confusion.

"When will the movie start..?" I quietly whispered while giving a pouty face.

"Don't worry (Y/n)! I'm sure it'll start very soon" He ruffled my hair in the moment.

The movie Date Tech and I were planning on watching was called Toy Story 4. A good movie in fact. I turned my head back to the empty screen in front of me still pouting. I looked for the popcorn which we brought but only to see the captain hogging it.

"Psssttt~ I want popcornnnn.." I whispered over to my polar friend who sat next to the captain. Alerting his attention, he snatched the popcorn from the captain leaving him speechless and furious.

"Hey you might be his little sister but you can't go stealing the popcorn!!" He raised his voice at me... time to act sad!!! Aone will protect! Attack even!!!

As he raised his voice at me I started to force fake tears down my eyes.

"I-I'm sorry... I-I.." I started to cry heavily leaving the captain confused and worried. I continued to cry hard making the tall middle blocker furious.

My eyes were closed during the act, I slowly peeped them open to try and see the sight in front of me and boy was it entertaining. Aone was stood up in front of the captain basically towering over him. Mean harsh glares was given from the blocker to the captain, he started to tremble.

I let out a small giggle, no one noticed of course, Aone was about to speak but the movie started. Grrrr!!! Saved by the movie you bad captain!!!

I wiped away my tears and focused my attention on the movie. As the movie went on, I started needing the need to go to the toilet. I tugged at the rim of Aone's sleeve wanting his attention. As I got his attention, I pointed to the wall of the theatre meaning I needed to go. He understood. We both got up and headed to the toilets.

As I was in the cubical I overheard a specific conversation about a specific someone, someone I adored.

"Did you see him come out of the theatre? He was scary tall"

"I know right! Bit on the ugly side as well.."

"Was he kidnapping that child or something? Should we call the police?"

"Maybe!! I feel so bad for her..."

The conversation continued and I already knew who it was about. I flushed the toilet in anger, opening the door in a swift motion making my way over to the group of older females, maybe they were in high school too.

"Don't you dare say that about my Aone! He is the sweetest polar bear I know! If you dare speak another word of him I'll shove all that trash talk down your throat you'll be shitting it out!!" I learned that magical word from Tanaka and Noya one time so I felt it was the best situation to use it.

"Oh no it's the kid! Honey is he hurting you?! Is he trying to kidnap you?!" They wouldn't stop asking these stupid questions! Trying not to explode I ran out of the bathroom only to be grabbed on the arm tightly by one of the girls.

"Someone call the police he's brainwashed her!" That was the final straw! I stomped my foot on the ground stopping all their actions. My inner Kageyama Tobio was coming out.

"Shut up!!! He is not like that! He is a high schooler! Innocent! Sweet! Kind! Everything positive in this world! He's another older brother to me and if you dare call the police I'll sue you!!" The girl finally let go of my arm. I stormed out startling my polar bear friend.

I decided not to tell him about the previous event of what happened in the bathroom, I didn't want to upset him in any way. We made our way back into the theatre, sat back down in our seats and finished the movie off.

[Time Skip - Walking home]

The film finished long ago and we were on our way back. I was currently sat on Kogane's shoulders. The sun was setting and at this height, it was beautiful. I started to play with Kogane's hair, it was fluffy.

"You having fun with my hair mini Kageyama?" I continued to play with his hair not replying to his question.

We eventually made it back, safe and sound. Tomorrow I get to be with my favourite bunch of Owls!

To Be Continued

Quick A/N:
I'm sorry for the rather late update I haven't been the best lately we stan being constantly sick
Im also sorry for this being a short chapter I promise the next one will be a long blast! (Hopefully)

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