🌟17 - Fights🌟

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"Kyo!! You're back- huh?!" Now sat in front of me was the same male. The same male I wished I would never see again. He was smirking at me while I started to tremble in my seat. Clutching my Kyo plushie, I tightly hugged it in my chest.

"Hey Doll~"


[(Y/n) Pov]

Sat in front of my was the very man I hated with a passion. Trembling in my seat, he started to take in all my features. From my face, to my chest and even looking under the table. Small tears started to form in my eyes, worry took over.

"P-Please go away...!" As the tears started to fall, I managed out a sentence. Although it was mainly just stutters, it was still bearable to hear.

"Now why would I do that hmmm?" With his head in his hands, he titled while smirking. It was horrifyingly scary.

He just sat there. Staring. It felt like hours but honestly it was only seconds. Looking around the table I found the table knife which was laid on the table towards the end. Swiftly grabbing the knife, I threw it towards him. He didn't cause any damage I just startled him. Seeing an open opportunity, I ran out of cafe with my dog plushie clutched in hand.

Where do I go?! I left Kyo back there...!!! No no no!!

Thinking of where I go, I finally decided on running back to camp where my brother and others are currently at. As I ran, I turned my head back only to see the old male running towards me with greater speed. It was obvious he was the faster one here but the camp was now in my view.

As I ran towards the gate, i was soon stopped with a tight grasp on my small wrist. Looking behind, it was his hand. His tight hand on my small wrist. I tried and tried to get out of his grip but nothing worked. Instead he tightened his grip causing a crack to be heard. Heavy tears were streaming down my face in fear and agony. I had one last option left.

Scream for help.

"BROTHER!!!!!!!" I screamed, screeched and yelled. I needed him.

[Kageyama Pov]

I was obviously anxious. I left my small younger sister with the beast known as mad dog.
Was it a good idea? Fuck no.
Did she care? Nope.
Was she happy? Yes and I'll keep it that way.

I wanted her to be happy so giving her this small inch freedom made it that way so she could be happy. Tapping my foot on the floor in the gym in anxiety, I didn't notice Oikawa and Daichi coming over to me.

"Calm down Tobio-Chan, Mad-Dog will protect her okay?" My foot continued to tap even faster. I highly doubt he would be able to do shit all in any situation.

"Yea I have faith in him okay? Don't worry I'm sure she's having fun right now" My foot started to slow down and eventually stop. I had to stop worrying, she's safe and I know it.

I was about to say something back in response only to be stopped by a scream, a yell even. Was it (Y/n)? I clearly wasn't the only one who heard it, looking around the gym everyone's head was popped up in curiosity, some were popped up in anxiety like mine. Running out of the gym, I started to run around looking for this lost voice which screamed.

After running around everywhere, my last destination was the front gate. Running over, I saw something which horrified me to the core. My sister in the hands of another male, a stranger in fact.
She was crying, he was smirking.
She was trembling, he was tugging.

I ran over to the scene in a flash.

"LET HER GO NOW" As I ran, my fist met with his face. The impact caused him to let go of my sister, she soon ran behind me.

"Aw cmon now, don't start playing hero I've had enough of that shit!" His fist then met my stomach. I gagged up some blood. Shit!

"(Y/n) go! Get the others! Just go!" I needed to get her out of here. My top priority right now is making sure she's safe.

"Such a buzz kill arent ya? That was my new play thing right here... very well then let's have some fun" Another fist was blown this time striking at ribs. FUCK SAKE.

[(Y/n) Pov]

My brother sent me away, I ran as fast as I could trying to find someone anyone that could help out. Finding the gym, I slammed open the doors trying to find someone who I knew would help out. I first ran over to Toshi and Tori.

"Toshi! Tori! You gotta help p-please! It's him again!" I was a crying mess, i would be surprised if either of him heard what I said and from which they actually did.

"He's outside! P-Please!" I soon pointed to the gym doors, Toshi was gone. Poof. A true magician if you will. I held onto Tori's hand wanting some form of comfort.

Soon many others came over to ask what had happened.

"You okay little Sprout?!"

"Who hurt my crow? I'm not mad I just want to have a nice chat"

"Little Polar!! Your arm!!"

Aone was the first to notice my bruised arm, the others soon looked at my arm. Clear madness and annoyance was on all their faces even those who barely knew me.

"Guys you gotta help my brother outside... please! Toshi went out there to help..!" Wanting more help for my brother. Bokuto, Kuroo, Asahi, Aone and Oikawa where the first ones to leave.

Hand in Hand with Tori, we went over to the benches to sit down. Few others followed. The ones followed Tori and I were Suga, Akaashi, Hedgehog, Lev and Yaku. I was sat in Tori's lap crying hard.

"What's that little star?" I heard Tori ask me, he was pointing to my plushie. Was he trying to change the subject?

"O-Oh, Kyo brought this for me! We went to the toy store his name is Tani!" Trying to brightened the mood, I told everyone about my new plushie. I was unaware of what was currently going on outside the gym at the front gate. I didn't notice the remaining others who weren't outside nor with me, they were looking for the coaches and probably calling the police.

To Be Continued

Who doesn't love a double chapter in one day😗

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