⭐️1 - Sweaty Boy⭐️

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[(Y/n) POV]

It was currently 5am, at this time you would expect many households to be asleep, many young children still sleeping and having the best time of their lives in dreamland. This isn't the case for a certain someone.

"Big brother!!! Wake up!!!" I screamed while banging on my brothers door.

Today was the day he would take me to practice!! I can't wait!! We gotta be there extra early what if they are already there?!?!!

I kept banging on this door as if my life depended on it. All I could hear was mumbles and groans coming from the other side of the door. Not like I cared if he was having a good dream or not i just wanted to go to practice.

"(Y/n)... GO AWAY!!!! ITS 5AM!!" My brother yelled from the other side of the door. After hearing this, small tears fell down my cheeks. Clearly my crying technique worked since it wasn't long after I heard shuffling.

Hehe no one can say no to cries!!

Not long after the shuffling my brother came out of his room with a dead looking expression painted on his face.

Grabbing onto his hand I dragged him out of his room, down the stairs and almost out of the front door. 'Almost', the door was funny enough locked and my brother stood right in his tracks before reaching the door anyway.

"Breakfast first idiot" He barely spoke out since he was interrupted with a yawn after yawn after yawn.

I told my brother I already had breakfast, after telling him I went to the living room with my small tablet opening YouTube searching for 'Epic Volleyball moment'. After finding the video I played it, every second caught my attention it was practically a trance I couldn't escape.

[Time Skip - At Karasuno]

It was now 5:30am. My brother had his breakfast and I had my enjoyment of volleyball videos. My brothers school was now in sight, I started to drag him.

"C'mon!!!! Lazy bones!!!!!! Go super mario cart mode!!!!!" I started to get impatient that I yelled out random phrases and references.

We was finally in front of the gym. To my surprise the door was locked! Unlike my brother he was just stood up against the wall looking like he was about to go to sleep.

No... this isn't right...! But I thought practice was today!!!

Moments later my brother heard my small sobs. I was truly upset about this.

"Please (y/n) dont cry it's too early for this... they will be here just wait okay?" My brother told me which he crouched down with his hands on my right shoulder. My reply was just a simple nod.

[Daichi POV]

Suga and myself eventually got to Karasuno at 5:38am. The gym was now in sight but why was there a small being? Tilting my head in confusion, Suga looked at me also in confusion as for why I was tilting my head. I just pointed to the small kid besides Kageyama.

"Oh! Yea Kageyama said that he was going to bring his little sister along to practice today I hope you're fine with this aha..." Suga told me in a quiet voice not wanting to alert the Kageyama's. A simple nod was all I gave in return.

Suga and I made our way to the siblings to unlock the gym for them. Can't lie the small Kageyama is rather cute. Complete opposite of her older brother clearly.

"Hello Kageyama!!" Suga said with his voice raised a tad to get his attention.

[(Y/n) POV]

"Hello Kageyama!!" I heard someone yell from the right of us. This caught myself and my brothers attention. Shifting our heads to the right, I saw 2 tall males. One with silver grey fluffy looking hair and another with dark kinda black short-ish hair.

Although I was excited for practice I was also scared to meet new people. After seeing the 2 males, I hid a bit behind my brothers leg as protection.

"It's okay (Y/n). These are my senpais and teammates, they won't hurt you I promise" My brother told me as I slowly came out from behind his leg.

"H-Hello.. I'm (Y/n) Kageyama..." I said with a quiet voice, they probably didn't hear me but to no ones surprise, they heard me. Moments later the silver male crouched down to my level and gave me a reassuring smile.

"Hello (Y/n), I'm Sugawara And this is Daichi!" I looked up to him to give eye contact, his reassuring smile made me too smile. In seconds my shyness was non existent.

"Hey!! Can we go inside the gym I wanna watch!! That's if you'll let me of course!" I said with a teethy grin showing afterwards. Daichi gave me the keys allowing me to unlock the gym myself. Sparkles appeared in my eyes and probably all around me as I gave off a happy excited aura.

I unlocked the gym!!! The power I hold! HAHA BOW TO ME BROTHER!

I stared at my brother with a look in my eyes as if I'm saying 'I'm better than you loser!!' He just turned away in annoyance and letting out a small "tch".

"Shall we my lady?" I looked up to see Suga holding out his hand. I took his hand in mine and we made our way inside the gym first.

[Time Skip - 6:12am]

As time passed by, 3 more teammates appeared. These were Tanaka, Nishinoya and Asahi. I was firstly scared of Asahi due to his scary appearance and his height but not long after i got used to him. Tanaka and Noya were both funny, I really liked them a lot.

I was sat on the benches watching the 6 current teammates warm up waiting on the others to appear. As I was watching I heard the doors open with a slam. This catching not only mine but everyone's attention, our eyes shifted to the doors to see a small tangerine looking kid stood there sweating.

"I'm s-sorry for being l-late!!!" He said while bowing and panting. It was rather disgusting in a way.. all the sweats dripping down his forehead and the pants leaving his mouth. I was grossed out.

To Be Continued

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