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Jungkook: *sighed* yeah he is... He is your step brother..


Jimin's eyes widened in shocked he didn't know that he have a step brother..

W-What do you mean Kookie?!

Jungkook: *put his hand on jimin's thighs and caresses it *  look its long story it's better you talk with jin hyung..

Jimin: *hummed*  but kookie why not you instead.. *said it with cute voice *

Jungkook thought " Aish how can i resist this acting cutely just to know the truth "

Jimin-ah look i would like to tell you but it's better tha----

( His sentence got cut off by jin came out of nowhere )

Jin: Do you really want to know the truth..


Jin Pov..

I was going down stairs to the kitchen ..
As i was walking to hallway i passed by jungkook's room.. I heard my name so i leaned to the door and hear their conversation..

Omg why now can't he wait for more weeks or days.. Aish he even acted cutely..

Even if i am not ready..i still want him to know the truth..

( Jin didn't know what to do he just entered the room and said )

Jin: Do you really want to know the truth..

( The two looked at him )

Jungkook: *cleared his throat*  I will leave you two to talk...

( Jungkook left the two in room
Then It became silent between them
Jin broke the silence  )

Jin: Um.. Do you really want to know?!

Jimin: Uh yeah hyung.. Are you not ready?!

Jin: well jimin *sat near jimin and hold his hands* I'm actually so nervous and don't know where to start.. I'm also not ready..but you really deserve to know cause you're stubborn you act cutely just to know it..

Jimin: How did you know?!

Jin: Oh come on you're my step brother i know alot about you..

Jimin: Aish okay but tell me the story.. How come you're my step brother..

Jin: *Sighs*  Well first of all the boys here know that I'm Kim Seokjin but the truth is not i lied to them for my real name..cause my parents forced me to..
Secondly How we found you.. Jimin you're really a helpless and so precious person being hurt.. You were like 6 years old when i found you sitting outside a convenience store..

Hugging a plushie that you said it named chimmy..

Jimin: Wait it's a dog and yellow plushie it's still with me in my apartment..

Jin: Oh really you kept it..

Jimin: *nodded* cause it's cute..

Jin: Okay anyways let me continue..
As i was saying you had a plushie hugging it tightly.. You weren't talking when i was i asking you question you were so scared.. But you looked so helpless i didn't left you there because it was night time when i found you and you are still kid that time..

I decided to bring you home my parents were shocked i told them to talk with you tomorrow because that time you look so tired for crying.. And missing your parents.. The day after that we decided to talk with you.. You told us everything then we got close.. Then my parents signed a adoption papers and your name became '' Park jimin "  Your name was " Kim jimin " But since you're already adopt my parents change it..

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