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3rd Person Pov...

Jimin was rushed to hospital quickly
he is unconscious because something happened while Jungkook was fighting with Kai, Jimin didn't only got shot he got a cut by a knife on stomach by one of the Exo group  ..

( A/n This part wasn't in the previous chapter because i wanted it a surprise of how jimin will be in coma
Sorry for making you all sad 🥺 )


Jimin Pov..
*with teary eyes* please let Jungkook won i know my bunny is strong..

A person with knife coming towards me a kick him in his crotch but didn't notice he got a knife and stabbed me in stomach *hissed* 

I look at Jungkook he won the person who he fought with is unconscious he is strong and handsome 

A gunshot was heard and all i hear is my name being yelled.. I fell down and my eyes starting to close....

End of flashback.....


- At Seoul Hospital -

3rd Person Pov..

All of them are outside of the Operation room Jimin didn't got to much gun shot but the bullet need to get out of his body ..

Jungkook is walking back and forth
Panicking and worried..

Jin : Kook c-calm down h-he will be okay.. ( voice crack and Namjoon's arms around him making him calm down)

Namjoon : That's r---

( His sentence got cut off by Jungkook yelling)


( All of them flinch and didn't say more Jungkook didn't mind that he is in the hospital all of the people know that he is a Mafia Boss so they didn't stop him or say anything 

Jungkook sat down and gripped his hair and his eyes are kinda teary
Jin and the others stare at each other because they're shock for Jungkook's
situation he never became sensitive and react like this when someone is hurt.. He doesn't care at all

Today he is different.. )

... Few minutes Later...

The Operation room are opened revealing the Doctor Jungkook stood up quickly and asked him..

Jungkook : Is he Okay??

The Doctor : Yeah he is okay gladly you guys rushed him here quickly because he was losing blood so much.. everything is okay now but he will be in coma..

Jungkook : Oh okay.. But can we see him??

The Doctor : Yeah you can but one or two at time..

Jungkook : Okay thank you..

( All of them are relieved a bit but still sad that Jimin will be in coma for awhile  ..

First one who entered to see Jimin is 
Taehyung and Hoseok, Then Yoongi,Namjoon and Jin

Lastly is Jungkook, They all left Except Yoongi and Jungkook will stay at hospital.. Yoongi went to buy some food and Jungkook is in the Operation room )

Jungkook Pov..
What i saw made my heart hurt so much that it's like breaks into pieces he has an oxygen and covered with bandages..

I took a chair and sat beside him hold his hand..

*sighed* " oh my god you don't deserve this so much baby.. 

( Starts to cry)

Even if you can't hear me i will just say whatever i want please please comeback don't leave me yet i really love you , you're the only one who makes me calm and make me happy.. You always brighten my day  that beautiful smile of yours..

That lovely and tasty like a pillow plump lips of yours.. You have suffered alot.. Don't worry baby they will f*cking pay for this god you're really a precious person for getting hurt "

I kissed his hand and forehead and ruffled his hair..

( then the door suddenly opened and it's just the Nurse)

Nurse : Mr.Jeon we would like to inform you we are going to move him into the regular room..

Jungkook : Oh okay thank you..

( he got out of the hospital for some fresh air *sighed and mumbles*

" This is all my fault Jimin-ah if you shouldn't be in my office today this won't happen to you.. UGH "

He sat on a bench while his head is down a person pat his shoulder, he tilt his head and it was just Yoongi)

Yoongi : Here have some water and a sandwich..

Jungkook : Thanks but i don't want it..

Yoongi : Kook i know you don't have a appetite about eating but you can't just starve yourself.. I know it hurts but you need to eat something and be strong..
You don't like being weak to Jimin right..

( he stared at him for a second and didn't fought back he is right , he don't want to be weak for his Jimin-ssi  )

Jungkook : H-hyung do you think it's my fault..

( Yoongi looked at him for a second .. He is surprised that the Cold-hearted Mafia Boss is being sensitive now..

He felt like Jimin seems special to him.. Jungkook never sweet or soft to Yoongi  )

Yoongi : No don't think like that Everything is Done by the Idiot People and Their bastard Boss Mr.Kim .. They need to Pay for this

Jungkook : Yeah They sure well He don't deserve this..

Yoongi : Yeah he don't but all you need to focus now is about him Don't focus about the work yet.. keep your eyes on Jimin..

( He nodded and decided to just eat the sandwich Yoongi gave him)

??? : Don't be happy or relief yet Mr.Jeon so many more things are going to happen to your Jimin.. He will suffer more   *smirks*

- To be Continue 🌸🌸🌸 -


Hey Hope you Like it sorry for making you all sad..  also I'm sorry if there are some spelling mistake 😅

Have a great day 💕

Borahae 💜💜💜
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