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(A/n jimin's face belike ⬆ )
Jungkook pov..
I move him a little so i can see his innocent and cute face and asked him

What happened?? Why you suddenly hugged me??

( Jimin looked at the person in shock
He don't know what to do or say , His face became red and can't utter a word .. While jungkook smirking because Jimin just realize who he have hugged)

( Jungkook whisper to his ear seductively also a dominant tone )

Babyboy don't ignore Daddy's question answer my question what happened ?? And why you hugged me so sudden??

( it sent shivers down his spine and his eyes widened with the word "Daddy" He don't know what came to his mind but he replied)

I'm s-orry D-addy y-ou can l-eave, If you d-idn't like it... It-s just I'm scared of rains and t-hunders..

Jungkook:*smirks when he heard him saying daddy for the first time *
Good boy And why you scared of it??

Jimin: it's nothing You don't need to know it...

Jungkook: Really?! You know what bad boys get when they hide something ..

( he start moving his hand from jimin's back to his thighs.. He caress it and jimin's breathe hitches.. )

Now tell me what is the reason you're scared of it * with his deep tone*

Jimin pov...

What is happening to me this is not my personality why i am feeling so comfortable with him and not removing his hand on my thighs
Where did my innocent go??
Am I falling in love on him?

( jungkook snapped his hand in front of his face)

Hello are you still there??

Jimin: umm yeah sorry..

Jungkook: What are you thinking---

( his phone vibrated)

F*ck who is this ( caller ID namjoon Hyung)


Namjoon Hyung
Hi kook sorry to interrupt if you're busy
But it's urgent you need to come to the mansion

Ugh can't you just say it..

Namjoon Hyung
No you need to come

Ugh okay fine

.. End call..


Jungkook : I'm really sorry but i have to leave * caress jimin's thighs *

Jimin: But it's still rain a little, don't leave me please *pouts*

Jungkook: *chuckles* Sorry but I have to, now go to sleep and i will come back when i finish my work..

Jimin : Okay

( gets up on Jungkook's lap then Jungkook get up and went out)

( A/n Chill Jungkook you both aren't couple yet, Just you all wait what will happen before Jungkook and jimin getting together 😏😉 )



( On the way to his Mansion )

Jungkook's Pov..

I really don't know what is this urgent news, He just ruined the best moment of my life ..

.. Minutes later...

I arrived and parked my car and enter the mansion..


Jungkook: What the hell is happening here??

( They all tilt there head on the voice)

Namjoon : Oh Hi kook ---

Jungkook: Just go straight forward, don't ask me where did i go..

Namjoon: *sighed* Have you seen this??

( He showed a viral video of Jungkook and jimin who are spotted in the alley)

Jungkook: F*ck who is the b*tch captured this...

Jin : Do you know the guy??

Jungkook: No

Jin : Really?? Don't lie to me jeon
I am asking again, do you know the guy because you seem mad and worried about the video...

( Jungkook walked away and went to his office room and slammed the door making all the boys flinch)

Yoongi : He seem like know the guy and mad

Jhope : Right you got a point

Jin: But i won't say it's his relative or friend he don't have any relative or a friend he only have us..

Namjoon: Maybe his boyfriend..


Yoongi: Well first of all calm down and don't yell we are all near you and can hear you well...

Jhope: Right, and secondly Hyung we are not sure what is his sexuality yet.. Maybe he might be bisexual or gay..

Namjoon : They got a point Hyung let's not judge him, let's support him for it and leave him for what his decision is..

Jin : *sighed* okay fine, I'm just wor---

( His sentence got cut off by glasses being thrown on the floor.. They all glance at each other and run upstairs to Jungkook's office...

What they saw made them shock.. )

Jin : Go get the aid kit

( jhope went and did what jin said
Then Namjoon and Yoongi checked his laptop to see what made him more mad and why he is like this)

( jhope comeback and gave the aid kit to jin.. While jin start treating his wounds.. Jhope went to approach namjoon and Yoongi)

Jhope: Oh my what is this??

Yoongi : It's a Profile ID of a person

Namjoon: Wait isn't that the guy on the viral video..

Yoongi : Let me check

( went to YouTube and typed - Mafia boss Jungkook with a stupid nerd guy - )

Jhope: It is , I am feeling bad with the comments and caption.. I wonder how the guys will feel if he will see this..

Namjoon: Yeah i kinda feel what are you feeling right now.. He seem like innocent guy and not too socialize person..

Jhope : Yeah you got a point...

Jungkook : You all are right, He don't deserve that and he is a innocent guy and get shy easily...

( they all get shocked on what they heard jin got up and went to see who is this guy is... )

Jin : Can i see who is this guy..

( Yoongi turned the laptop and show it to jin... Then jin * gasped * Jungkook tilt his head and looked at jin and waiting for him to speak... )

- To be continue 🌸🌸🌸-

Hope you all like it lovely readers..
Thank you so much for the support, have a great day and stay safe

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Borahae 💜💜💜

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