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3rd Person Pov...

Jungkook have been so happy that he have finish the mission but one thing is he needs to face kai he wants to look how he looks like how is his face going on being hurt by him

Another thing is he is super proud because of the shitty b*tch oli become more uglier and he said " oops " and smiled innocently as a joke to oli cause he realize he punched his nose really hard cause it's really bleeding but he was joking at him that oli thought he didn't do in purpose

But in reality he did it in purpose and he smirks proudly on the other side taemin ran away because Jungkook is so scary and mysterious he doesn't want to fight back while his cousin Chanyeol died and the others took him out of Jungkook's face ..


.... Time Skip ......

- Inside the Mansion -

Jin Pov ....

me and Jimin were watching T.V until few minutes he looks a bit pale and kinda seems like wanna throw up so I asked him if he was okay..

" jimin you okay "

( he looks at me and about to say something but didn't finish his words )

Jimin " I don'---  "

( he got up quickly and rush to the bathroom I quickly stood up and went to help him  I rub his back while he keeps vomiting  )


Jin : Yah you aren't hot or something why are you vomiting??

Jimin : I don't know my heads hurt and my nipples kinda hurts too

( he sat on the floor and brought his knees close to his chest jin thinks for few minutes and then realize something  )

Jin : *gasped* How many times have you had sex with Jungkook  ??

Jimin : I don't know maybe 7 times or more

Jin : WHAT *choke on his own saliva*
t-that's alot you don't get tired

Jimin : No I don't think so cause he is really great and very hot and amaz---

Jin : Shh stop I don't wanna know how good he is I only asked how many times you two did sex and don't you get tired but anyways did you two use protection ??

( Jimin pouts cutely when he didn't finish his sentence but he answered jin's question)

Yeah we do but our last sex we didn't use one cause I know I won't get pregnant cause  I'm guy

Jin : um..just wait here a minute

Jimin : Okay.. * with a curious face *

( Jin went out to him and namjoon's room to look for pregnancy test wanna know why he have one cause he is all ready and know what will come next

After few minutes he found what he needs and went back to jimin )

Jin : here use this and follow the instructions then tell me the result

Jimin : *gasped* b-but I'm guy not women

Jin : shh just do it and I'll explain to you later

( pushed him in and closed the door)

Jimin's Pov...
" Oh god this is the most embarrassing thing I would do "

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