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3rd Person Pov....

As soon as " Dr.Lee " got out of Mr.Jeon's hospital room he smirks and quickly took his phone out of his pocket and called Chanyeol but before he could call him " Dr. Yeonjun "

Passed by which was Mr.Jeon's Last night doctor he got curious when " Dr. Lee " Stopped him from entering the room..

??? : Oh wait Dr.Yeonjun I have already Checked him he is doing well and awake now

Dr.YeonJun : Oh Okay but that's not allowed it's supposed to be the same doctor but anyways thank you *smiles*

??? : Your welcome..

??? thoughts " F*ck that was close and I don't give a f*ck on what he said " *rolls eyes*

( Dr.YeonJun left and he starts to call Chanyeol "


Chanyeol-ah I swear to god you won't believe what happened

Spill it

Dude the Jeon f*cking Jungkook
Is awake and being lovely dovey to that slut park jimin 

And not that only The dr.YeonJun
Came and about to enter the room but gladly I stopped him

F*ck how about the injection I gave you
Did you use it??

No that slut was there and keep watching me

F*ck taemin you're so dumb
I don't know why you're my cousin and useless

Well do it then you come here
Be glad that I'm willing to help you

Whatever just comeback and let's have
Another plan , as I wish I'm the one
To do it but I need to accompany Kai

Why don't you two be together instead
And give up you guys wo-----

" What the hell did he just hang up "

... Call Ended...


Meet Lee Taemin..

Role :
- Chanyeol's Cousin
- Doctor at Seoul Hospital
- Dumb, kind a bit and force to work with the mafia exo

He isn't a member in Mafia exo group but he have a gun tattoo which everyone in the exo group owns

He was forced to put a tattoo so that it represents he is with the Mafia exo group , his father worked as a Mafia for 3 years but he gave up cause he can never win over Jungkook's father..

And also about the tattoo Kai forced him to have one and work with them ‼


.... Time Skip .....

- At Mr.Jeon's Room -

Mafia Boss... 🖤  - COMPLETED- Where stories live. Discover now