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No one's Pov...

They get out of the building..
Namjoon and jin was confused because they saw jungkook with pissed face..

Jin : Umm what's wrong??

( jhope signal him to not ask)

Jin : Oh ok..

( Jungkook entered the car without saying anything...)

Namjoon : Seriously what happened??

Yoongi : Let's just go.. We will talk about it later...


At College...

Jimin Pov..
It's our last class.. I think i will go with taehyung today.. Since i got nothing to do and i hope when i go home.. I won't see that Mafia boss.. Again..

( He still thinking about Jungkook and he didn't notice taehyung calling him)

Taehyung : So Chim let's go.. Jimin jimin hello.. Jimin.. JIMIN

Jimin : AH.. Tae my ear ouch why did you screamed..

Taehyung: because you aren't listening.. Seems like you're daydreaming about your ideal man... (chuckles)

Jimin: shut up.. What did you say actually??

Taehyung: See you didn't hear it!! I said let's go.. the class is done Do you want to go to your apartment or let's have fun..

Jimin : umm let's go to your apartment.. I am kinda bored.. ( giggles)

Taehyung: Ok let's go then..

( minutes later)

They arrived at taehyung's Apartment...

Jimin: Tae this is your apartment??

Taehyung: Yea why anything wrong??

Jimin : Nothing it's just a little messy.. Don't you need to clean it??

Taehyung: Oh I forgot you don't like messy places... ( smiles)

Jimin : Whatever clean it.. Then let's play games or watch movie..

Taehyung: chim.. Can i not clean please.. Jiminie ( acting cute to jimin)

Jimin: um no clean then lets play..

Taehyung: Hyung..

( jimin sat on the counter and leaves a pouting taehyung..)

Come on chim.. Please

( jimin just ignored him...)

Ok fine i will clean.. ( tae starts cleaning while jimin read a book)


At Jungkook's Mansion...

( When they arrived jungkook got out first and stormed inside the mansion..)

Jin : omg this kid.. Calm down

Yoongi : Leave it hyung He is so pissed..
I think he will go out..

Jin: Huh? Where??

Namjoon : Umm.. To club!!

Jin: What since when did he start drinking alcohols??

Namjoon: umm after the incident.. That happened in the alley I saw him drink a beer..

Jin: That kid he only drinks milk.. But why alcohols now.. Did you teach him drinking alcohols yoongi?

Yoongi : What?? Why me?

Jin: Well because you're savage and swag.. And you're the one teaching him saying bad words.. So i assume you're the one who also thought him to drink!!

Yoongi : Yah! No i am not you're being so like eomma.. He is just starting to be matured..

Jin: Yea whatever..

( they went inside and saw jungkook wearing this and took his car keys and pass them without saying anything)

( they went inside and saw jungkook wearing this and took his car keys and pass them without saying anything)

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No one's Pov...

( Jungkook went on back to the alley that they went to.. There was a store
He entered and bought some soju ( korean popular alcohol)

He starts drinking.. He drink 3 bottles of it.. After that he went to alley and stood at the wall and wait if he will see the boy he met "jimin" will pass by)


At Taehyung's Apartment....

Jimin pov..
Me and Tae have been playing.. I checked the time.. And its already 5:30pm.. Shoot i need to go home because i need to walk by the alley...

Umm taetae i will see you tomorrow.. I have to go home..

Taehyung: Oh ok what time is it btw?

Jimin : 5:30pm..

Taehyung: Oh ok bye see you tomorrow..

( they hugged and jimin went out..)


Jimin Pov...

I started walking and the cold breeze of the wind making me feel fine and forget all bad things happens to me..

Oh here we go again.. Hope no Mafia group are here..

He starts walking.. And hear some foot steps..

Omg omg.. Help he is coming

He walk fast.. But ————

( jungkook pin him on the wall and covered his mouth...jimin closed his eyes

Shhh don't scream or say anything " with deep voice and sent shivers down jimin's spine..

Jimin opened his eyes and nodded..
He saw a handsome man with doe eyes, black hair, Tall, have muscles...

Jimin : I met you bef-------

( before he could say anything jungkook smashed his lips on his.. 

Jimin's eyes widened...)


- To be continue 🌸🌸🌸-


Sorry... 😬
Hope you like it.. ♥️

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Borahae 💜💜💜

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