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Jimin Pov...

I woke up and felt a little bit dizzy I blink few times so i can see where am I ?? I look at myself, I was tied up and n-aked.. Then i heard a  voice..

Oh you're awake babyboy..

Who are you?? And why am I naked??

( he came near me and whispers)
We will have some fun *smirks*

( He start kissing my neck and biting)

Ahh it h-urts... S-top..

( He then untied me before i can do anything he bend me on a table and entered me)


( Suddenly a door opened and I looked up and see Jungkook.. Please get me out of here.. This is rape)

Jungkook : *Yelled and point his gun to kai *  GET YOUR HAND OUT IF HIM

Kai : Oh you're here *smirks*

( he let go of jimin.. And jimin tried as best as he could just to go on Jungkook's  safe arms and hugged him tightly ..

He begged and whispers to Jungkook)

Please get me out of here.. * with crack voice *

( Jungkook wrap his arms around him and kissed jimin's head and pull jimin away from him and remove his hoodie and put it on jimin..

He put jimin behind him then said to kai)

We are not done yet.. Also you need to pay for what you did to him..

Kai : Yeah whatever you think you can sca--- AHH..

( Jungkook shot him in his legs..
Then pick jimin up and signals Yoongi and jhope to take jimin things )

... SKIP...

At Jungkook's Mansion

No one's Pov..

( They have arrived and jimin didn't moved away from Jungkook.. )

Jungkook Pov..

I picked him and enter the mansion then went to our clinic room that jerk he really hurted my precious baby..

( A/n damn Jk calm down 😂 )

I sat him down on the bed but he wince because of the pain..

What part is hurting you so much??

Jimin : My butt.. And my wrist
( his tears fell i wiped it off then he showed me his wrist have marks because of a rope )

Jungkook: F*ck that jerk really hurted you so much..

( he covered his neck with some dark hickies well more on a bruise not hickey then tied him up really tight in short he actually rape him)

I will be back okay..

Jimin: What nooo don't leave me here..

Jungkook : I will be back I will just call hyung to treat you..

Jimin: why not you.. Please don't leave me..

Jungkook: I'm not a doctor.. He is the one

Jimin: O-kay..

Jungkook: Hey hey don't cry, *caress his cheeks and wipe the tears * I won't leave you , You're safe now no one will kidnap or did this to you again..

( I hugged him and he hugged me back i kiss his head and rub his back so he can calm down)

Jin : Hi guys

Jungkook: Hi hyung well you check him up

Jin : Yes sure..I think you won't like if i see your butt??

Jungkook: WHAT?? hell no why do you need to do that??

Jin : Then how can i treat him if i won't see that part.. Isn't it that is the place where he is hurt so much

Jungkook: But still NO..

Jin: Okay then here this is the cream you put it then..

Jungkook : Okay thank you, come on let's go to my room..

( jimin giggles then Jungkook picked him up and went to his room)

... Time Skip...

At Jungkook's room

Jungkook pov..

( I laid him down then asked)

Don't you mind me doing it??

Jimin : no because i trust you..

Jungkook: *chuckles* Okay then lay on your stomach and ass up..

( jimin did what he said then pull the hoodie up so Jungkook can see his butt...

Jungkook start applying some and jimin hissed)

What's wrong does it hurt??

Jimin: no it stings ..

Jungkook: Oh but this well make your butt feel okay.. i think that jerk really hurted you so much don't he??

( he done treating jimin wipe his hand then took a shirt and boxer for jimin to wear )

Jimin : Yeah he did.. it really hurts kookie *pouts*

Jungkook: Kookie?? Where does that came from??

Jimin: A nickname *giggled*

Jungkook: Oh okay here change your clothes..

Jimin: Wae?? i love your hoodie
Why do i need to change??

Jungkook: Okay okay here put on some boxers then..

Jimin : Okay *smiles with his cresent eye smile *

Jungkook : i will go get change in the bathroom i will be back..

Jimin : Okay..

( Jungkook changed and came back but.. Only sweatpants no shirt on)

Jimin Pov..

I lay on the bed and wait for Jungkook to be back i turn his T.V on and went on YouTube and turn on some BTS new song " Life goes on " I love them so much there voice are so amazing and also handsome ..

Then the bathroom door opened  i tilt my head and see him with only sweatpants and his 8 pack of abs are showing.. Can i touch those?? .

Yah! Jimin what you thinking??

Jungkook: Are you done staring..

Jimin: *gulped and blushed* Umm Yea--- mmhh

( before i can say anything he kissed me but passionate and soft..

I laid back then he hovered over me than he took my hand and run it down on his abs..  We pulled away
He then kiss my head and laid next to me.. )

Jungkook: Goodnight..

Jimin : Goodnight..

( We cuddled and fell asleep

What are we?? Are we dating?? Are we friends with benefits?? )

- To be continue 🌸🌸🌸-


Hope you like it!
Sorry if the recent chapters kinda hurt, Jimin will be okay again don't you all worry..

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Borahae 💜💜💜

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