..30.. [ M ]

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- 4 Days Later -

- Flashback before Jungkook arrive at his mansion -

Chanyeol Pov...

" This is the dumbest thing I've heard giving up in my dreams that I'll f*cking give up if he gave up I'll fight by my own but find someone to work with me "

( his thoughts got cut off by a knock)

" Who is it "

Taemin : " your handsome cousin " *chuckles *

" Oh like i would believe that come in "

( he entered )


Taemin : So how are you??
( sit next him)

Chanyeol : Terrible Kai is giving up and doesn't wanna fight anymore with that jerk

Taemin : Oh well apparently that's great

Chanyeol : *eyes widened *  WHAT THE F*CK DUDE I THOUGHT YOU'RE ON MY SIDE
( raise his voice and gave him a terrifying stare  )

Taemin : *gulped* okay okay chill I'm just joking I will help you plus i came here with someone

Chanyeol : *sigh* whatever I'm not in the mood of joking around and this better be a good guy will be working with us

Taemin : Oh hell good bro he is handsome and very talented wait i will call him

- On phone call 📱 -

Taemin ..


Come in our boss agreed  *chuckles*

Okay coming

- Ends call -

...few minutes later...

( The door opened made chanyeol eyes widened and choke on his own saliva )

??? : Hi *giggles*


Taemin : What he can help us tho his name is oli london and his quite good looking

Chanyeol : Dude you're insane he is f*cking ugly b*tch and gay so how can he help us and where did you saw him??

Taemin : chill bro i saw him outside the Jeon mansion and said something what did you say btw?? ( looks at oli)

Oli london : Oh i said just he wait and that I'm back and I'm working with someone

Chanyeol : Ugh I didn't agree to this but anyways what do you actually from the jerk?? *rolls eyes *

Oli London : Aww well I want my sexy husband jimin oppa *smiles*

( Chanyeol made a disgusted face while taemin just being himself sitting there and eating a candy enjoying the scene)

Chanyeol : Let me get this straight you just wanna fight with Jeon just to take that slut 

Oli London : Yeah I want him for me

( An amazing idea popped up in chanyeol's mind which made him smirk)

Chanyeol : Interesting good choice taemin *smirks*

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