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The next day

Jungkook Pov..
I woke with the sun shining through my face and that i can feel I'm not in my bedroom because of the room and pillow smells like Peaches..

I sat up " Ah.. My head hurts "

Jimin: Oh you awake

( I rubbed my eyes and looked up " Smirks" Oh It's the cute person i saw in alley )

Hi there Cutie ( deep and raspy voice)

(Jimin blushed and thought woah even in the early morning he sound hot and handso--- Yah jimin stop you're innocent person)

You done staring and thinking about me...

Jimin: Umm.. I-i wasn't S-taring..

Jungkook: Yea like i would believe you.. want me to show you my abs and Take a picture  ( winks and smirks)

Jimin: ( eyes widened and frustrated)
N-o  I- umm..will just go make breakfast and you drink those pills ( points at the night stand near his bed) so your headache will come down a bit..

( walked away)

( Jungkook thought cute " Chuckles" He did what jimin told him and got to go to bathroom and took his phone and check it)

Damn what's with all this notifications..

..Mafia boss JK gc...

WWH hyung..
Hello good morning kook
Hope you're okay come to the mansion please..

Namjoon hyung..
Kook come back hyung is sad

Lazy hyung..
Hey kid come back because hyung is being dramatic..

Hobi hyung..
Come back kook

WWH hyung..
Yah! Seriously come out of your room because i will beat your ass with this wooden spoon..

Namjoon hyung..
Not again


Hobi hyung..
Guys stop Kook is here..

Seriously wth is this chats
First of all I'm alright,

WWH hyung..
Finally you answered

Lazy hyung..
Hey kid

Why are you so worried about me??
I'm not kid grandpa..

Lazy hyung..
What did you just call me??


Lazy hyung..
You kid just so you wait when you come Home..

Yea yea whatever don't forget that I'm your boss and I'm stronger than you

Namjoon hyung..
Both of you stop it kook when you coming home

Idk maybe afternoon
Bye guys..

..chat ended..


Jimin Pov..

Omg what just happened inhale, exhale.. Inhale,exhale.. Calm down jimin you're innocent and nerd person you can't like a scary/mafia boss person
But look at his body he is handsome..
*hit his cheek* no no no jimin calm down and forget him.. Omg we K-issed..

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