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Jimin Be like : Omg how come this Hot and Handsome boy became MINE pass me water please i can't breathe..

I will spell the word Mine to those who don't understand M - I - N - E  got it now  go away from Husband..

( A/n Just wanna make you laugh and smile a bit before you read 😁
That picture ⬆
That's how Jimin reaction be like 😂

Enjoy reading 💜 )


3rd Person Pov..

The room became silent and everyone didn't say a word Jungkook slammed his hand on the dinning table making everyone flinch and say..

Meet me in my Office all of you now..
( deep and stern voice)

( They all nodded and didn't say anything Jungkook walked away and went his room )


- At Jungkook's room -

Jungkook pov..

I turned the door handle slowly and open the door I gasped from the view in front of me Jimin in a hair messy, puffy eyes, dried tears , shaking and trembling I called him in soft tone


He tilt his head and didn't say any words but his innocent eyes are understandable that he needs a comfort, I approach him and hug him laid his head in my board chest he sobbed and gripped tightly on my shirt

Shh it will be alright I'm here let it all out

I ruffle his hair and peck his head and move him to my lap then he snuggle more and hide his face on my crook of neck while his fist are holding tightly in my shirt..

Shh baby I'm here calmed down..

After few minutes of calming him down he sat up straddling me and say..

Jimin : K-kookie a-am i sl*t that only wants you for a money.. I-is what taehyung said real... ( voice crack and shaking)

( Jungkook cupped his cheek and say)
No no baby you're opposite of that you're beautiful and no you're NOT sl*t what he said is not real

you're so precious and my innocent baby you know true friends will always trust what you say.. I don't think that taehyung guy is a good person that you can trust alot..

Jimin: b-but kookie he been my best friend since high school..

Jungkook: *sighed* yeah i know but you know sometimes best friends can betray each other also there friend ship can end..

Jimin's thought " There is no one i trust alot other than you kookie i think what you say is true "

Jimin: *sighed* yeah okay t-thanks for the comfort..

Jungkook: ( lift his chin up) your welcome baby boy 

( got closer to jimin's ear and whisper seductively in deep voice while his hand on jimin's thigh closer to his member)

You're the most beautiful person i have met..

( his hands going in out of jimin's inner thighs and giving light kisses on jimin's neck  and creating marks )

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