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Jimin : I met you bef-------

( before he could say anything jungkook smashed his lips on his.. 

Jimin's eyes widened...)


Jungkook pov..

I saw him just pass by.. Damn that ass... I followed him and he walk faster.. But i caught him.. I pinned him on the wall..

I covered his mouth so won't scream..
Damn this boy is driving me crazy..
He stared at me.. And i was out of my mind.. I can't help but devour his plump lips... Sweet and tasty like i imagined..


Jimin Pov...
Omg.. What is this he stole my first kiss.. This is not how my first kiss i want.. I tried pushing him away.. But he was so strong.. He pull me on him.. Like no space between us..

I can't think of anything else to do.. I k-issed him back... He taste like alcohol but also i can taste some mint flavour...

( we keep kissing.. For 3 minutes..
Then i decided to break the kiss.. )

Jimin : Why did you do that?

Jungkook : Why not cutie? ( deep voice)

Jimin : c-ause... Y-ou.. Stole my f-irst k-iss... ( stuttering and fiddling his fingers..)

Jungkook : Feeling shy.. (smirks)
I didn't know a innocent boy like you can be a good kisser..

Jimin: (blushes) shut up.. You stole my--- ( he got cut off because a heavy body laid on his shoulder..)

( jimin mumbled.. Aish this muscle pig.. Is so heavy.. 

Where i would bring him.. I don't know where he live... This is my worst nightmare.. Meeting the most popular Mafia boss also a cold hearted person..

I hope he won't be mad when he wake up in a different house)....


At Jungkook's Mansion..

No one's Pov..
The boys haven't dinner.. Because they were waiting for jungkook.. On the other side jin have been walking back and forth because of how worried he is..  

....( eomma jin mood on😂) ....

Namjoon: Yah! Calm down hyung..

Jin: How can I.. My baby is gone and not coming back..

Yoongi : Baby?? Are you in your period or pregnant...

( jhope hit his arm. jin glared at him)

Jin: I am NOT.. And i am just worried..
Because you don't know what he gone through...

(Jhope got  confused and clueless.. While yoongi being a grandpa no reaction.. 😅
And Namjoon sitting there because he already knew about it )

Jhope : huh?? What happened to kook.. Hyung... ( frowns his brows)

Jin: ( sighed) Kook have a dark past..
There is a story behind why he became a mafia boss..

Jhope: Really?! What happened to him..

( jin told him everything)

( jungkook have a dark past.. That only jin is the one who saved him)


At the young age.. Jungkook is having a hard time with his family.. He had gone through many things..  Jungkook's biological father died because got killed by the father of the third most popular mafia group (Exo)

Then after that his  mother got married
With another man.. When he turned 9 years old.. Few months later.. His mom got sick due to cancer.. Then died..

After couple of months.. He didn't knew that his step dad.. Have a bad side.. Everyday, every other day.. He get abused and hit by his step father..

He didn't know that his step dad was alcoholic and had been cheating on his mom..

Then one day his father kick him out of house.. Then there jin was having a fresh air at the park.. Then he saw a helpless young boy.. Shivering because of the coldness.. And dry tears are in his eyes..

Jin.. Hey little boy where are your parents...

Jungkook... I- d-on't have p-arents...

Jin..really no relative..

(Jungkook shook his head)

Oh come here.. I will take care of you..

Jungkook : a-re y- ou bad guy...

Jin: no i am not.. Don't be scared.. I am good guy.. ( smiles)

Jungkook : ok..


Couple years after that.. At the age of 15
He decided to practice.. To become a Mafia boss.. To do his revenge..
For his dad who got killed by the father of third mafia group (Exo)...

End of Flashback....


Jhope : oh.. my.. I can't form a word..
I didn't know he suffered that much..

Jin : yea.. well please since you guys know it let's find him please..

Namjoon : hyung it's already night let's find him tomorrow...

Jin: but joon.. What if something happened to him...

Namjoon : shh calm down.. He will be ok.. He is a strong man he can defend himself now.. Don't worry too much..

( jin nodded and hugged namjoon)

..Whispers to yoongi and jhope..

.."I will get him to bed"..

(They nodded)


(Jhope turned to yoongi)

You shouldn't say that he looks like eomma.. (glared at him while he said it)

Yoongi : i am sorry.. I just didn't know it..

Jhope: yea whatever (roll his eyes)

Yoongi : I am going to sleep.. You're just too noisy and annoying..

(walked away)

Jhope : Yah! I am not.. Come back here..

(mumbled... Aish this grandpa)

Yoongi : Hey i heard that...


- To be continue 🌸🌸🌸 -

Hope you like it.. 😁
Sorry for not updating too much lately..

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Borahae 💜💜💜

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