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- 4 days later  -

3rd Person Pov.... 

Jungkook and Yoongi's room left Jimin's room to buy some breakfast
While the others just came and went to  Jimin's room

Everyone is sitting in the room and silent and worried faces filled the room

Jin is stood by Jimin's bed crying..
and say

" Jiminie please come back we need you.. Specially Jungkook he needs you more..
It's been 4 days you haven't woke up yet
Jimin We need to spend more time and explore the world..
Com----- "

( he didn't finish his words when the heartbeat monitor stopped and Jimin is shaking everyone eyes widened and taehyung rushed out to call the doctor )

Jin : no no no jimin please come back

Jhope : Chim no no

The doctor : everyone back away..

( Namjoon took jin away and he sobbed.. Jhope and taehyung sobbed to and praying that he will be back

Then Jungkook and Yoongi came back both of them quickly put the food on the bench out of the room and rushed inside

He saw that the nurse where about to cover jimin with the white blanket)


The Doctor : I'm sorry but we did everything to survive him..


Jin : k-kook he is dead.. The doctor and the nurses did everything..

Jungkook : NO HE IS NOT ( tear start to fall in his doe eyes)  i can feel it hyung that he is alive..

( he walked to jimin hold his hands kissed his forehead and whispers)

" Come on please i can feel it mochi that you're coming back.. Open your eyes please i know you're strong enough to fight "

he kissed his soft hand and laid his head on the bed

" Please come on "  ( starts sobbing)

He feel a hand moving and tighten in his hand.. He tilt his head quickly

" Mochi "


Jimin Pov...

I feel like my heartbeat stopped and like some voices shouting my name..
I hear Jungkook sobbing i fought and be strong to come back for him

For my handsome hot bunny

I hear him say " mochi " which my favorite nickname i tighten my hold on his hand and starts opening my eyes..

H-hi... ( raspy voice)

Jungkook : Mochi you're alive *smiles while some tears in his eyes *

( he kissed my head and the others were surprised)

The doctor : This is a Miracle Mr.Park
Your heartbeat stopped but you're strong enough to fight and come back *smiles*

Yes i am doctor i will never leave the world cause i have this precious family beside me specially my hyungie..

( looks at jin )

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