- Sequel -

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- 4 Years  Later - 

3rd Person Pov...

It's a wonderful day at the Jeon's House where Their beautiful Children named Miyeon,Jungwon,Jinhae They got one  girl and after it two twins boys

Jinhae is named by their babygirl Miyeon's uncle Jinnie they laughed and shake their heads when Jin suggested that And baby Jungwon is named by Jungkook

In a beautiful chilly day the beautiful family and with their great friends with their kids too chilling outside the Jeon's big backyard children's are running around the yard while their parents are on the table and chairs sitting and watching their kids playing

Jimin with his  5 months baby bump for him and Jungkook's 4th baby and Jin with his 7 months baby bump for him and Namjoon's  2nd baby


" Hyung what's you and Namjoon's hyung baby gender " Taehyung said with a smile " um...it's a boy " Jin said and smiles caressing his grown up belly while his eyes look far to his giggling child who is running around the yard
" Damn you guys had a boy already then another boy too " Jungkook said and chuckles "Yeah we do Jinnie wanted a girl but we got boys " Namjoon said smiling

" Hm..Congrats guys and apparently I'm just here your childrens sunshine uncle who is still single " Jhope said and shrugs the others laughs and chuckles
" Hyung haven't you found yet " Jimin said and giggles Jhope shake his head as no " Nope I haven't also I'm not looking for one cause I'm babysitting your kids " Jhope said and Smiles 

" Bro Good luck to that cause me and taehyung's adopted kid is already tiring " Yoongi said and got a smack from Taehyung he pouted and rub his head
" That's how kids are naughty and trouble makers"  Taehyung said and Yoongi just huffs and leans back on the chair " Hyung I remember before you said you're in love with yoongi hyung but you two didn't end up together why is that "  Jimin said asking curiously 
Jhope sighs " well after all the stuff have going on in the mafia thing he realized that he is still in love with his ex-boyfriend which is your best friend taehyung and now they're married I just stopped and also they're cute together " Jhope said and smiles

"oh that's why "  Jimin said and smiles
"Also Chim being single is alright I'll find the right sooner or later and being with the y'all kids are so----"  Jhope said but got interrupted by Jungkook's and Jimin's
Little princess " hey uncle hobi can we do photoshoots about what you promised that you gonna style me with your fashion styles " Miyeon said with her cute puppy cresent eyes the others stares and listens to her in awe Jhope smiles and caresses her soft black hair  " sure baby uncle taetae can help you too since he is a gucci fashion designer "  Jhope said with a smile and turns to taehyung who nodded at him 

" Yeah princess I'll help you and I know your uncle hobi's  fashions "  Taehyung said and smiles at her  " oh that will be good uncle taetae can hana join us too " Miyeon said asking taehyung if him and Yoongi's babygirl hana can join he nodded " Yes min hana can join you guys too " Yoongi said and smiles at her with his gummy smile he called their adopted baby girl but like their own child she runs to Yoongi and hugs him  " why you called me appa "  hana said and giggles
" well you and dad tae going to do photoshoot with uncle hobi and minjunie
wants you to join "  Yoongi said while ruffling her hair she squeals and claps her hands  " Appa that would be amazing you know how I like taking photos and being like a model too " Hana said and smiles Yoongi chuckles and pecks her cheek

" Hyung he is just like a taehyung-ssi
Likes taking photos and like a model too" Jimin said and smiles  " Yeah right I think she will be like him in the future " Yoongi said and chuckles " Anyways you guys go have fun while me,jimin and namjoon will prepare the foods "  Jin said and smiles Jhope and Taehyung nodded and grabs the little princesses hands and walks away the little princes are playing football on the big yard 
Yoongi and Jungkook decided to get up and go to the trouble makers
Jungkook peck Jimin's mochi cheeks before leaving making Jimin giggle at his sweetness

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