Chapter 26

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Mouche pov

Every since that day I kissed Anaya , I knew she was the one for me.

I kinda felt played when she left me standing there looking crazy but ian trip.

I've been messing with a couple of girls while out in California but none of them could compare to Anaya.

I need to talk to Anaya about that kiss and some news about Travis.

I decided to text Anaya to meet me at the beach.

Text convo

   meet me at the beach by the board walk around 3

Anaya - why ?

     we have to talk about stuff

Anaya - fine I'll come

Text convo over

I just knew she would act stubborn but thats one reasons I like her and also how she don't take nobody's bullshit.

Anaya pov

After Mouche text me about meeting him so we can talk , kinda blew me.

I knew we was going have to talk sooner or later but I didn't think this soon.

I decided to wear my Knicks crop top with some high waisted pants and my black sandals.

I told Kee that I was going to meet mouche to talk about what happened.

Oh yea I also invited Kee to stay with me since she feels alone and Jay isn't around like usual.

-At the beach-

When I pulled to the beach , I seen mouche standing by the water watching the waves.

I walked up to him and said,


"Hey." He said giving me a big hug"

"So wassup , why we need to talk , already knowing why."

"Well Naya, after that kiss I finally realized I want to be with you and only you"

I mean I know I get attention from a lot of girls but I only want to be with you"

"It's like every time I see u , I can feel my heart skip a beat"

"Hell you the only girl that has every did this to me , u make me feel some type of way no girl has every made me feel"

"Look naya I know this is a lot to take in now but everything I just said is so true , girl I love u from your head to your toes"

" Look Ke'Juan (mouche real name) I could tell you meant everything u just said but I can't"

"Not right now anyway."

I could feel tears forming in my eyes and Mouche walked up to me wiping them away.

"I just want to be friends like we always been. Just taking stuff slowly because I kn.."

I was cut off by Mouche kissing me and I quickly pulled away about to go when he grab my arm.

"Look Anaya I can understand but I'm not going to give up on"

"but I have some news to share so meet me at the trap , grab Kee too and I get Jay , it's important.

When he let my arm go , I went straight to my house to get Kee ready to go to the trap.

"Keauna!" I yelled soon as I walked in"

" guh why is u screaming "

"Mouche wanted me to get u so we can head to the trap , he said it's important."

"Well I'm ready lego"

Kee pov

I was so happy when Kee said she was taking me to the trap.

Well of course any of y'all would be happy if u haven't seen your baby daddy in days.

I could tell Anaya was thinking about something because when ever she gets to think about stuff , she taps on anything.

Since she was tapping on the steering wheel every 5 seconds , I decided to ask.

"What you thinking about girl?"

" it's mouche , well what he told me earlier."

"What did he say ?"

" he was pouring his heart out about how much he care for me and stuff like that , but what really caught my attention is when he said he loved me."

"What!" I gasp"

"Yea girl but please don't say nun."

"It ain't like I can tell people anyway , I mumbled."

" what u say?" , naya asked"

"Oh nun , ooh looks like we here."

When I was trying to get out the car, it took me at least 5 minutes to get out the car.

Instead of Anaya helping me , she decides to record me instead and laughing.

" ugh , I can't wait till u get pregnant , ima do the exact same thing."

"No ma'am ,I'm not getting pregnant anytime soon."

"Yea alright we'll see."

When I enter the trap , I was greeted by everybody. I went straight to Jay office and I stop when I seen a bitch on his lap.

I cleared my throat and said , "well hello Jayden."

When he seen me he push the girl off his lap and came running to me trying give me a kiss but I moved my head.

I was about to say something when I heard Mouche through the intercom and said meeting downstairs.

When I got downstairs , I decided to take a seat next to Chris and Anaya , since I didn't wanna be bothered by Jay at the moment.

Mouche pov

"Well I've called this meeting because I've got news on Travis."

"I still got that tracking device on his car and yesterday he went back to the airport and got on the plane."

"When I seen that the plane took off , I got out my car and asked the lady where the plane was going an.."

"Well where he go?" Q asked.

"If u let me finish , anyways he's going to the place I was born and raised... Brooklyn , New York."

" so what u got in plan?" Chris asked.

"I'm telling You , Q, Kevin , Jay , Anaya , Kee, and myself go make a surprise trip down there."

"Dont worry about the tickets I already got em , just meet me back here at 10."

"Yo Al , ima need u to hold it down while I'm gone."

"No problem boss."

"Aye Bree(one of my girl workers) , ima need u to come along too."

" No problem , I'll go pack my things."

"Cool , I said."

I can't wait to get my hands on Travis. First he takes my girl , then tries to kidnapped my future mother in law.

He just don't know , ima put two bullets right in his chest then let Anaya finish him off.

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