Chapter 22

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Anaya pov

While riding back to the trap with Jeff in the trunk, I was plotting how I was going to torture him.

I know i can starve him for days, maybe even let him piss on him self , nah i think that that would be easy.

hmm... i don't know what ima do with him now but i guaranteed you that it's going to hurt because you don't come after my mom or even threaten me like he did.

Boy i know he then lost his fucking mind but i'm sure my team would come up with a plan.

Kee pov

I was just waiting patiently for them to come back home safe. I don't know what i would do if Jay came back hurt or my other friends at that.

I was just laying down when i heard loud ass Anaya.

"take his ass to the basement and tie his ass up good!"

When i heard her say that , i went wobbling my pregnant self downstairs to see what what was going on.

Soon as I got downstairs, i seen Jay and i immaditely ran up to him and gave him a hug and a kiss.

"Omg baby are you ok?"

" My name Jayden of course ima be ok."

" Boy shutup , where did Anaya go?"

" She went to go make sure Jeff is tied up right and then she is going to help Ms. Kim with her bruise face."

" What's wrong with my mom  face?"

"Jeff slap her because she didn't want to get on the plane."

" oh hell no, where he at ?"

" Yo chill ma, you pregnant and i don't want nothing to happen to my princess but she went in the basement , just don't do nothing stupid to harm the baby or yourself."

" I'm not just finna go see what's going on."

When i got to the basement , i seen Ms. Kim hitting on Jeff and saying F u and this and that.

I was amazed because i never heard her talk like that , i laughed to myself because Ms. Kim really a thug.

"Hey mama"

"Hey baby, u wanna get  some punches in for threaten your life also?"

"yea actually i do , and for putting his hands on you and naya."

i walked up to Jeff and start kicking him all in his dick and in the ribs, i couldn't bend down and hit him in his face because i'm pregnant but i did get some good kicks in.

" Ma, where did naya go?"

" Mouche took her  to one of the other rooms because she was beating the shit out of him."

Soon as she said that , i went to the room that was crack and peek my head in the doorway and i couldn't believe what i saw.


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